Thursday, December 31, 2009

Countdown to 2010

Happy New Year
Michael Gan

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009

,*, Not all gifts
,*,*, are under
,*,*,*, the Tree.
,*,*,*,*, Some are
*,*,*,*,* in the
* heart. *
Blessed ChristmAs& have a healthy, fruitful &
fabulous New Year! :-)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Selamat Deepavali

Wishing all Malaysian
Happy Deepavali 2009
and best health and prosperity.
Michael Gan

Friday, October 16, 2009

Positive thinking

Dearest buddies,

Good day to everyone. I am back with re-energize strength. For your info, it is confirm on 14th October 2009 that I am down with hypertension and diabetes. I had been hiding and ignoring everyone lately but all this is flush off my toilet bowl at this moment now.

Anyway, I started on the medication already and my next appointment will be next January after some tests that I need to do in December 2009 (Ultrasound) and January 2010 (Endoscopy).

Well, the cost of the medicines is about RM50 a month and I got to know that medical card does not cover medicine (pils for hypertension and diabetes).

I will also be controlling my diet and will be cooking on my own again (my maid stop working for me as she demand for more).

That's all for the time being.

Michael Gan

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Cancer survivor

Today I went to ISEC (Mid Valley) for my eye followup checkup (wow it is already 6 months), results turn out very good - everything is normal and there is some improvement on my left eye. Only one minor problem ie. both my eyes power had increased to 850 R and 900 L. Dr Michael Law said that my next appointment will be next year ie. 7th October 2010 2.30pm.
Michael Gan

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 2009

Wishing all Malaysian Selamat Hari Raya
Michael Gan

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cancer survival

I had my oncology and ENT checkup on 14th September 2009 and both my results is stable and normal (recuperating well), next appointment is on 11th January 2010.

I ask the following questions:-
1) Gum bleeding - is it a side effect. Both Drs say no and could be due to something else.
2) Experiencing stiffness on my neck, cramped on both legs - yes this is part of the side effect.
3) Power of both eye sights had increased by 200 each (formerly 700+) - yes this is also part of the side effect.

Good to know that everything is normal.

On 16th September 2009 3pm, I had my followup checkup for my hypertension and my blood pressure had gone down by around 5% ie. 136-98, Dr ask me to continue the medication. Prior to that I also done a blood test and the result is not so good - sugar level very high and fats level also very high. Therefore to reconfirm the result, request that I did another round of test before further action can be done. If this is confirm then I might be down with diabetes or even hepatitis. Next appointment is 14th October 2009 3pm.

So for the time being , my focus is more on my health rather than educating on insurance. For those that I had closed and contacted, I will still be following up with you all.

Michael Gan

Monday, August 31, 2009



Thursday, August 27, 2009

Speed is essential

Dearest buddies,

I had my followup checkup for my hypertension at UMMC with Prof Dr Khoo on 19th August 2009. My blood pressure reading is at 148-96 and 148-100, lower than the earlier results. Ask me to reduce my hypertension pills to Amlodipine Norvasc 5mg and to prescribe Perindopril 4mg tablets (half tablet a day - for cleansing my kidney or liver). Next appointment on 16th August 3pm. For your info, I was there at 1.35pm and there is a long queue and my number was number 18, by the time I completed my checkup and collected my medicine, wow the time is almost 4.15pm. Well it cost me RM15 to be there for almost 3 hours, if I go to a private hospital I believe the charges plus medicine should be around RM80 to RM120+ and the whole process will take 1 hour-the most (of course I can utilise my medical card) ..... just to remind you of the importance of medical card.

My taxi fares to and fro cost me RM20 - more costly than the above, of course I can opt for bus but again time will be the factor again. Sometime it is worth the money spent.

Michael Gan

Monday, August 17, 2009


Dearest buddies,

I LOVE YOU ALL. Read yesterday News Sunday Times 16th August 2009 and agreed with the writer Marc Lourdes title "Why hide love when you can show it every day" in page 21.

Life had been a total difference for me since recovering from my "BIG C". I see things very much difference from a normal person (for eg. I am always happy :-) now).

I still remember very clearly I am totally two different person back then (I am a very happy person at work O:-) - with the happy "mask" but back home I am totally lost >:-( because I lack the love from my parents - I am not blaming my parents for that). This is the fact of life, the way I chose to live my life previously due to some bad experiences.

Who don't have bad experiences or good experiences?

BUT now everything is PAST, I learn to live now and enjoy every seconds of my life. I am contended with what I have. I don't need a big house; I just need a comfortable house that can give me shelter. I don't need a big car; I just need a decent car that can bring me safely from point A to point B.

A lot of time we only think about materials things (land, houses, vehicles, jewels, luxuries and etc.) and justify our appetite by telling ourselves that it's for security, safety, a rainy day, etc. - extract from the newspaper

Oh yes I am going to write on "WHY INSURANCE?".

What I am sharing is not because I am an insurance agent but I as a "reborn" person.

You all receive my earlier emails about "PRIORITIES of Life Insurance", "Life Insurance is an ASSET" and "How much coverage is enough".

I went thru and now I realised my life insurance priorities was at number 28, the policies I bought is a liabilities to me (because I pay and I only get a set of document which I hardly touch or sometime not sure where I place it) and my previous agent never share with me how much I need to be cover (cos we were friends and I support them, I don't know what to ask them, I only know I go bust then it will benefit my next of kin, so I bought from them).

With my reborn VISION (educate all my friends and whomever I get to know the importance of Life Insurance) and MISSION (to educate everyone to think out of their box in how they view Life Insurance as one of their Top priorities).

I believe many of you think that I want to earn your money (with all this vision and mission - nonsense). Well, I will say YES, I earn your money but when nothing happen at maturity date then you will say "Why I didn't ask him/her to buy more?" or if something happen then you will also say "Why I didn't ask him/her to buy more?". This is because you will be the one getting the benefits ($$$) and not me (not even a cents from your benefits). What I get is the mere commission which throughout my entire life being I will be servicing you.

So the sooner you make appointment to see me, the sooner I can advise you accordingly. I will still be calling you all, look forward to share with you soon.

Michael Gan

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Comment from my earlier post

Anonymous said...
Well, not to say the calculation is wrong, but once anyone gets struck by 36Ci, a big portion of the 36CI claims should have been utilized to pay off your hospitalization & medical bills, it leaves you not much to invest. So, what is your view on this.
August 10, 2009 7:05 PM

Above is a comment I received.
Sorry for the late reply, anyway better late than never ... right.

The claim received from the 36CI is meant for your daily expenses and not for hospitalization & medical bills(H&M). To cover this H&M bill, one must have a card call HOSPITAL MEMBERCARD, I bought this card and had utilized RM100K for my medical bills.

To know more about this card, please call, sms or email me.

Michael Gan

Saturday, August 8, 2009

How much Life insurance is Enough

Dearest buddies,

This is base on my view about how much Life Insurance is enough ?

Take me as an example, I bought my Life Insurance with 36 Critical Illness as rider
Year 1998 age = 33 years old (the year I bought my policy)
Year 1998 monthly salary = RM2,800
Sum assurred = RM150,000 for Death or Disability (TPD) +RM50,000 for 36 CI

From age 33 till my retirement age at 55, what's the minimum income (Human Economic Values) I will earn over the next 22 years ? (assuming no increments or bonuses)

2,800/mth x 12 months x 22 years = RM739,200

I guarantee that I will earn this minimum RM739,200 on one condition, that from age 33 to 55, nothing happen to me.


! If something does happen to me here, my minimum RM739,200 value become RM 0 almost overnight!
Something really happen to me in year 2005 and I make a 36 CI claims of RM54,000 and used up around RM100,000 on my medical card.

So how much insurance do I really need?

Logic will tell me that I will need RM739,200 of life insurance. However, not many people can afford that. I can't afford it for sure. So, what's the minimum sum assured that I need to aim for?

Minimum insurance amount recommended:

At least 10 years of INCOME

Salary x 12 months x 10 years
RM2,800 x 12 x 10 = RM336,000


I should insured myself for at least RM336,000 because:
for eg. I was strike with 36 CI in 2005 at age 39, I should get RM336,000 critical illness coverage.
Invest the money - 10% annual return (assumption)


RM336,000 x 10% = RM33,600/year = RM2,800/month

which is equivalent to my current salary

Therefore, in the event of a claim, I can withdraw a regular monthly income without touching my capital.

For Peace of Mind and everything that matters.

I'll always be here for you.

Michael Gan
PS this is the end of my initial education process on Life insurance, will update you all accordingly whenever I gain new experience

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Basic principle of Life Insurance

Dearest buddies,

Understanding A Traditional Policy (most common product).

There are 4 basic type of Life Insurance :
1) Whole Life - Balanced
2) Endowment - Most expensive
3) Term - Cheapest
4) Investment Link - combination of unit trust and term

Basic principle of Life Insurance

Life Insurance => Would you agree that a Life Insurance Policy is an ASSET (similar to a house)? YES or NO

Answer is YES, it is an asset but an asset that would only be given to you on certain conditions. They are "Death" and "Total Permanent Disability".

To me it is just a piece of document, not like a property that it provide me shelter or car that provide me transport. When I bought my insurance from my friend, I did not really understand what I bought (that's me .... hee hee), I bought it because I trust her and support her. All I can think of is that when I die it will benefit my next of kin. Is this what you all are thinking when you buy insurance ?

In addition to this Life Insurance asset, you have the option to add riders or supplementary benefits, such as
accident (similar to a chair),
Hospitalisation & Surgery (similar to a table)
and 36 Critical Illnesses (similar to a closet).

They are likened to the furnishing in a property.

However these riders/supplementary benefits have 3 disadvantages :-
1) Age Limit - because as you get older are you getting healthier ? What is your risk of getting one of the 36 Critical Illnesses after the age of 55 ?

2) No returns - The nature of riders are similar to general Insurance products (ag. car insurance). You pay a premium, but at the end of the insured period, if no claim is made, the premium is forfeited. There are no bonuses whatsoever.

3) Redundancy
Scenario A (Year 2009)
In year 2009, if you were diagnosed with one of the 36 CI, how much will you be able to claim ?
Note: A critical illness claim is a one time claim event only.

Scenario B (Year 2029)
Assume nothing happens to you in year 2009. However, if u were diagnosed with one of the 36 CI 20 years later (year 2029), how much would you be able to claim? What is the value of claim in year 2029?

Have you ever heard of people complaining that the return from their policies are very low?

It could be because : They bought a small house (asset) but big furniture (riders).
As 36 CI strike me, the rider amount I bought was RM50K, and I get RM54K as part of my INCOME.

Similar to the traditional policies, the products also consists of an asset and its riders.
The good news is 36 Critical Illnesses are already included in the "HOUSE" (Life Insurance asset).

These differences will give you 3 advantages:
1) No Age Limit (87 years)
This means that the policy will mature at age 87, In other words, when you reach age 87, the whole house (sum assured) at its current value, will be payable regardless of your state of health.

2) RETURNS - Double Bonus
The first bonus you earn is from the house (asset) and the second bonus will come from the fact that you no longer have to pay for the 36 critical illnesses furniture, because it is included in the house.

3) HEALTH down HOUSE up
As the years progress and your health deteriorates, the value of the house (asset) will increase in value.

Summary of traditional and 2009 products

Traditional policies were originally designed to benefit your next of kin after you are gone - You will only get the money when it's too late!

This new type of policy is designed to benefit you while you are alive! - Wow Just in Time, you will get money when you need it most!

Therefore purchasing this policy is natural upgrade to complete your protection.

Michael Gan
PS Happy reading.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

My latest photos

Wow clean shave, what do you all think ?

Not bad huh

Can lah, look younger and handsome loh hee hee

Friday, July 31, 2009

Why life insurance - priorities

Dearest buddies,

My intention is to educate all of you and whomever I come across.

This is the beginning of what I had learnt and beside the experience that I went thru. Hopefully it will give you all a better understanding of WHY LIFE INSURANCE? rather then WHY ME? (as being the CHOSEN ONE).

Basically you all are at work and have INCOME which provide the following :-
1) Food
2) Shelter
3) Clothing
4) Transportation
5) Family obligations
6) Education Funds
7) Entertainment
8) Self respect
9) Peace of mind
10) Vacation
28) Insurance

Above is just a simple way to tell me what's my main PRIORITIES in my life earlier, for me "Insurance" was place at number 28. Because when I die I will leave something behind for my next of kin. It never cross my mind that 36 critical illness will struck me and I manage to pull through.

If I had place it among the top 5 priorities then I will not have to worry about me suddenly losing MY INCOME.

It doesn't or ever cross my mind or all of a sudden that my ability to generate INCOME suddenly come to a STOP. Lucky for me, I managed to get my life back and am now still able to share with you all. Just imagine if I am not able to get back to work, you will see me begging for donation (eg. get DAP/MCA assistance or The Star or NST to publish for donation). Do I sound like I am begging for sales from you all ? WRONG I AM NOT BEGGING FOR SALES. As I mention earlier, you buy from me is because I had make you realize the importance of life insurance and the type of coverage you have or do not have.

I treasure my life so much now that HEALTH is my 1st priorities in life; wealth only come second, as it will provide me the other priorities.

This is what I am requesting from you all, put on your thinking cap and list down your priorities (what is the most important things in your life).

Nobody know when things will HAPPEN, unless you are GOD or can foresee the future.

Michael Gan

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why life insurance - continue

Dearest buddies,

I am SORRY if I had mislead you all into thinking that I am pressing you all to buy insurance from me. My intention is not to make money from you.

My intention is to educate you all and by looking into your existing policies then I will be able to let each individual know what you have bought (how long since you bought your 1st policy?, do you know how long your medical card is cover up to?, what is it that you are cover on?)

All I am asking from you is to give me a chance to look into your existing policies and as you all know I don't have any transport now, I would appreciate that you could come and visit me on the same time.

It is solely your DECISION to buy or not because I will not press you to buy.

By doing above, I will also gain valuable experience.

Thanking you in advance.

Michael Gan
PS Hope to meet you all soon.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Voices of Hospis 2009

She look so gorgeous, hope to dine with her one day.

He's so handsome, don't get me wrong I am straight.

Group photo comprise of Hospis honourable, volunteers and the CHOSEN ONES. We are such a "BIG family"

Yesterday, instead of my weekly daycare at Hospis Malaysia, we were invited to the launch of Voices of Hospis 2009 at JW Marriot Hotel. For more info about this event, please visit the following site or call them at 603-91333936.

All of a sudden I also feel like celebrities ... hee hee

IF I remember correctly this event will be held on 24th October 2009 at JW Marriot and we will get to hear 2 celebrities lending their voices to make this event a meaningful and successful event ie. Michelle and Tony (sorry if I got ur name wrongly spell).

Wow enjoying my lunch

Two handsome guy

Telling her that I blog

Oh my gosh, I am so so so lucky


Friday, July 24, 2009

Why life insurance

Dearest buddies,

Lately, some of you have been receiving call from me about my new career.

I just want to share about how I had gone thru. Basically, you all know I was down with NPC and I ask myself the following questions :-

How to handle it ?
Where to go for treatment ?
How am I going to finance my treatment ?
How to carry on with my daily life ?

Answer to the above is as below :

Accept it and go to private hospital
I was insured and got a claim for RM54,000
Medical card to take care of the medical expenses (use up RM100K, left with RM50K).
Donations from you all (if my record is correct I had received close to RM18K)
Support from a close buddy (I regard it as a loan from him which is RM50K)
Since Oct06 till now, I am receiving RM1,248/month from SOCSO (Perkeso).

Wow, look like I had collected quite a big fund. Next question is , how do I use it ?

Frankly speaking I had overused on my so call "Future Money" ie. credit card - had a debts of RM60K (I had 8 cards and all of them is to the limit already). Thank GOD, I am now DEBT FREE. I had also use up around RM28K for chinese medicine

The fund that I received is all use up for my daily expenses (estimated around RM1,800/month - comprise of housing loan, house maintenance, utilities bills, supplementary product and a big sum on food) - Inflation rate goes up (I still remember in 1990's I can enjoy a mixed rice at the cost of RM1.20 plus ice chinese tea, but now it cost RM4 and 50 cents for ice chinese tea).

My 2 sisters hire a daycare maid (RM600/month) for me. I feel such a burden and yet is very fortunate to had the support from my closed ones.

Basically I need to start earning money to support myself and my future family.

Why I choose life insurance as my new career ?

1st is because of all the support that I had received from you all.

2nd is after going thru the process of educating myself on life insurance that I realise if I bought enough than I am able to support myself now and I won't have to rely on other source of income (support from sisters and brother, buddies and friends).

Lastly, I want to touch each and everyone of you, by making sure that you are insure base on your income and should anything happen, you still have your income. Not like me, still have to rely on your support.

Michael Gan

Sunday, July 5, 2009

2009 Family Gathering - 3rd day Cameron Highland

We check out from Pulau Pangkor around 12.30pm and by the time we reach Lumut it is almost 1.30pm already and we search around looking for a food, we manage to find a restaurant somewhere around Setiawan. The food is good and reasonable and we started our journey towards Cameron Highland. Well, I drove and we follow the direction leading us to Simpang Pulai (as we called all our friends to get some directions - thank you my friends).

Actually it is quite exciting as we all are not too sure about the directions and we need to search high and low for the direction (I hope the government will look into upgrading all the directions in Malaysia - to assist the traveller to have better direction - as we are not into "Treasure Hunt".
At last we reach Simpang Pulai exit and we continue our journey using the new Cameron Highland highway. Well by the time we reach Brinchang, there is a bit of jam there due to the Pasar Malam (I think it took us about an hour to reach our destination).

We visit the Butterfly farm and stop at some nursery farm as well. We missed the Boh Plantation and Strawberry Park, never mind , next trip.


Monday, June 29, 2009

My New Beginning

Dearest buddies,

First of all, I would like to express my greatest appreciation to all of you for your support (since 2005 till now), without you all I will not be here writing to you all .... A BIG BIG BIG THANK YOU.

Secondly, as I had been telling you all about what is my next action plan. Beside sharing my chronicle which is helping to enlighten those CHOSEN ONES, I intend to extend my sharing by providing a peace of mind and be independent and a better person. I am happy to inform you all that I am now a Qualified Agent (Licensed To Insured) for Great Eastern Life Assurance and I am looking forward to provide you possible service in my new career.

Last but not leasts, why I choose this line? Based on my own experience, I considered myself lucky as I bought critical illnesses and medical card policy (before I was down with NPC, I reduced my policy by half). As for my medical card I am now only left with a penny for the rest of my life and I am not allowed to purchase any more policy.

I also found out that beside covering the 36 critical illnesses it is actually a savings for your retirement fund (2nd EPF). I want to repay back to you all by serving you all.

I believe all of you have insurance coverage but whether is it enough for the current inflation rate (medical fees is shooting up year after year). That's why I am here to share and to provide a free analysis to you. WHY? I am also insured but it was not enough and I wish that I had a higher protection if given the second chance.

Michael Gan

Monday, June 22, 2009

Cancer survival

Dearest buddies,

Wishing everyone in good health and prosperity.

Today I went to University Malaya Medical Centre for my high blood pressure checkup. Oops still a bit high but is now around 96-148. I was there at 7.45am, for those who's 1st time there, you need to get a queue number and get register first (at last I got my registration done around 8.45am and was guide to the Doctor clinic), next is wait for about 5 minutes then consulted the Doctor. After going from one clinic to another, by the time I am done it is already 1.05pm, then only go for my lunch. Total charges paid today is RM35 (RM6 for registration, RM14 for two Dr consultation, RM15 for X-ray on my heart).

At present now I am 93.7kg, had a bit of swollen on both my legs (especially the right leg), constipation and everything else is normal. There will be follow up at UMMC on 1st July 2009, 3rd July 2009, 15th Jan 2010 and 25th Jan 2010 (will be doing rubber banding on my piles and colonscopy test).

Happy Belated Father Day.

Till then. Cheers.
Michael Gan

Friday, June 19, 2009

2009 Family Gathering - 2nd day Pulau Pangkor

We got a bit of adventurous on the way from Taiping to Pulau Pangkor, lucky for us as the owner whom rent the house to us in Taiping guide us out to the road leading to Lumut ... a big thank you to him. On the way we look at signboard leading to Lumut and frankly speaking the signboards and directions can be improved further to help traveller. At last we reached Lumut and embark on a ferry journey (30 minutes ride) and reach Pulau Pangkor (oops forgot what time we reach I think around 5+pm). All 13 of us squeeze in into a taxi van and adjourned to Puteri Bayu Beach Resort. The van taxi driver offer us a tour around the island for RM80 for 2 hours (all in including fetching us to the hotel).
After checking in, we adjourned for our tour around Pangkor island, the driver turn out to be a guide as well, introducing us the history and landmark area throughout our journey (bravo to this man). We went to Great Wall of China (smaller version) and we found a drum which had hair growing around the drum, went to a Portuguese site (if I remember correctly), Pangkor rubbish dump site, God of Mercy temple beside a nice beach, manage to see the sunset (so beautiful) and a satay fish factory (not sure if I missed out any) and adjourned straight for dinner at a restaurant.

Eunice, Jo, Wei Han and me at the replica of Great Wall of China

If u know chinese character the background indicate my surname

So tired but yet very happy with my closed ones around

Don't play play ooh, or I will fire my gan

Attention, this is history
Jo, Michael and Eunice at the fort

at the Puteri Bayu resort beachside

wow the sun is settling down

Resting inside the chalet

Michael Gan

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Cancer survivor

As usual on Tuesday 16th June, went to Hospis Day care and had my blood pressure measure ...... ooh ooh not good as the result is 100-150 considered high. Recommend that I seek some professional advise on "Primary Care Medicine".

After my consultation will update you all immediately.

Michael Gan

Monday, June 15, 2009

2009 family gathering - 1st day Taiping

It is on the 6th June 2009 and I woke up at around 7am, raring to go already .... then only realized had to wait for both my sisters Winnie Gan and Jo Gan families to start their journey from their respective location ie. Johor Bahru and Mentakab. Myself and my brother Dennis and his son, Wei Han already get ourselves ready, Dennis spouse, Penny already start her journey to Pulau Pangkor (company trip).

By noon, we started our journey to Taiping (1 night), I am driving this time (hooray clap clap clap). On the way, we thought of stopping by on Bidor to had the famous noodle but had to make a diversion as it was jammed and ended in a restaurant nearby (can't remember the name). After lunch (around 3+pm) we continue our journey and reach Taiping around 5pm. After resting then we adjourned to Taiping lake for evening walk ..... wow it is humid and a lot of cars and peoples moving around. Dinner time, we went for "Chicken shredded noodles", wow a lot of people.

screen shot at Taiping lake

DJWM .... and not Do Re Mi Fa

At night as the children is growing up , we went to McDonald to had take away. on the way back we almost lost our way but still manage to reach the house that we rent for a night.

Next morning after breakfast we adjourned to Taiping Zoo.

Inside Taiping Zoo

Resting at the centre of the zoo .... so hot

Around 11am we went back to our rented house and clean up ourself. We check out around 12.30pm and adjourned to one of the Top Ten Chicken Rice in Malaysia. Need to wait for about 10 minutes for a table for 13 of us. It is truly mouth watering and value for money. If I remember correctly it is around 1.45pm, we started our journey to our next destination ie. Pulau Pangkor.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Cancer survival

Dearest buddies,

Today, I had my usual day care at Hospis Malaysia. The nurse and Dr. had a thorough check on my blood pressure ..... and the result is 140-100 ..... consider on the high side and treated as hypertension. Well, will be taking "Norvasc" daily and hopefully will help to reduce my hypertension.

Base on the above, I considered it a blessing as I had not started going back to work yet.

Michael Gan

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Happy Dumpling Day 2009

Happy Dumpling Day To You !

(五月初五日)端午节快乐 !

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cancer survival

Dearest buddies,

I had my ENT checkup on 18th May 2005 at Sunway Medical Center. As usual Dr Koay will screen through both my nose and press around my neck and the result is everything normal except for some minor flu. Next appointment will be on 14th September 2009 1.30pm.

My normal routine is every Tuesday, I will go to Hospis Day care in Cheras. Well, I had my blood pressure check and "oh my gosh" my reading is at 160-100 (very high). Consider having hypertension, ask me to take cefuroxime 250mg (twice a day).

Today, I go to Klinik Sri Manja to check on my flu and also my blood pressure reading ..... oh oh the reading is 160-110. Advise me to have my blood taken for test.

Hooray, got a call from the Klinik at around 4 pm and was confirmed that my blood test is normal ...... phewwww.

Conclusion, I think it is due to the current heat (well, must blame on something loh ..... hee hee).

Michael Gan

Monday, May 18, 2009

Cancer survival

Dearest buddies,

I had my ENT checkup today at Sunway Medical Center, Dr Koay indicate that everything is normal except for my slight flu. Next appointment will be 14th September 2009.

At this point now I am still experiencing lack of saliva on my mouth, numbness on my hand and feet and feeling tired easily (could be due to the heat). I think it is consider a blessing, asking me not to go back to work full time yet.

Main point is to live my life to the fullest.

Michael Gan

Friday, May 15, 2009

Latest update

Dearest buddies,

Good day to all of you. Wow, time flies, already 4 months since my last email. I had my oncology checkup at Sime Darby Medical Center yesterday 3.30pm, as usual Dr Matin Mellor had a followup checkup on me and was informed that everything is normal and next appointment will be on 14th September 2009 11am.

I also met up with a patient who also had NPC and is also in good condition (oops forgot to ask his name). Well, he ask me whether I put on weight, my answer to him is "YES I am back to my actual weight 93.6kg (actually I am over my BMI index by 8+kg), and advise him to eat healthily and eat a little bit of meat (chicken, beef, lamb, etc)"

I also told him that each individual response differently on the food we take, so always ask ourself whether the food that we are taking is it suitable to me or not. Each person body will react differently.

At this moment now I am down with the common flu (due to the unusual current hot weather), therefore my part time activity is all being put on hold till I fully recover.

Will update you all again next week after my ENT checkup on coming Monday.

Michael Gan

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother Day and Wesak Day

Dearest buddies,

Wishing all the mom a Happy Mother Day.

Wishing everyone a Happy Wesak Day.

Michael Gan

Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy Labour Day

Wishing everyone a Happy Labour Day.

I am as usual feeling good (even though I am experiencing some bad cough ..... getting better, not enough stamina .... need to built it up, overweight ..... need to walk more, gum bleeding, dry mouth ..... drink more water).

Michael Gan

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hospis Charity Bazaar 2009

This morning I woke up at 6.50am ..... my soul is already at the charity bazaar (if I remember corretly I had never been to such event - except the one I organize together with my LP11 buddies called the Caring Day 1998).

As usual I had 1 liter of water every morning before whitening my teeth and doing my morning calls. I proceed with my daily reminder ie. I wrote in my dairy " I am very happy that I am now strong and healthy" (been writing this almost close to 4 years) and follow with my morning prayer "Da Bei Cho".

Go down to my condominium cafeteria to had my breakfast and buy newspaper. After that, call my member that I am ready to go and we adjourned at 9 am to Hospis in Cheras and reach there in 20 minutes time ...... wow there were so many cars and quite a huge crowd there already. So walk around all the booths and see look and at last start to purchase some items (of course I need to buy coupons first. Aiyah, for a guy .... going buy things .... very fast .... use up RM214 in less than 1 minutes. The rest of the money buy some drinks and foods. No doubt it is so hot but the atmosphere make the place so cool.

Being on my 25th months remission now, I am not able to withstand the heat, so we make a move at around 10.30am.

A new experience for me.

Michael Gan

Friday, March 20, 2009

Cancer survival

Dearest buddies,

Wow, it had been 4 years now (since I was down with NPC) and I am now in my 24th month remission. Wow wow time really flies.

As per my last update, I am suppossed to make a comeback into the corporate world, well, it looks like I need to put a hold onto this idea. Wait, STOP, don't jump into any conclusions, I am completely in tip top condition (everything under control) at this point.

I will be doing some part time job (the time will come and you will know what I am doing ....... hee hee hee).

As fot this blog I will be continuing and on the same time I will be posting some of the information that is sent to me by some of you (don't worry, your name will not be there) and the information that I posted is merely for sharing purposes. I find it quite informative and it act as a reminder to me. Since it work for me, I also hope it will benefit others as well.

Michael Gan

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year 2009

Dearest buddies,

I am back at my home on 29th January 2009 ..... all are welcome to visit me at my home.

Well, I did enjoy all the nice food except shark fin soup ..... eerm wow fingerling good ...... anyone want to bring me out for this dish or prepare this dish and bring to me ..... hee hee.

Currently still enjoying my celebration (till Chap Goh Mei) ...... then only will put on my thinking caps about my next course of action.

Would like to wish everyone a Happy, Healthy and Harmonious New Year.

Michael Gan

Monday, January 19, 2009

Followup checkup on 19th January 2009

Dearest buddies,

I had my Oncology and ENT checkup today and the results is very good - everything is normal and next appointment will be 4 months from now ie. 18th May 2009. I managed to control my weigh - currently at around 92 kgs (a bit over my BMI).

Wow time is really counting; tick tick tick ..... every seconds and I am now into my 22nd months remission - thanks GOD (bless by Kuan Yin).

Would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a GONG XI FA CAI 2009. I am going back to my grandma home this Thursday and had not confirmed the actual date back to my home (Petaling Jaya).

Michael Gan

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009 !!!!!!!!!