Saturday, August 8, 2009

How much Life insurance is Enough

Dearest buddies,

This is base on my view about how much Life Insurance is enough ?

Take me as an example, I bought my Life Insurance with 36 Critical Illness as rider
Year 1998 age = 33 years old (the year I bought my policy)
Year 1998 monthly salary = RM2,800
Sum assurred = RM150,000 for Death or Disability (TPD) +RM50,000 for 36 CI

From age 33 till my retirement age at 55, what's the minimum income (Human Economic Values) I will earn over the next 22 years ? (assuming no increments or bonuses)

2,800/mth x 12 months x 22 years = RM739,200

I guarantee that I will earn this minimum RM739,200 on one condition, that from age 33 to 55, nothing happen to me.


! If something does happen to me here, my minimum RM739,200 value become RM 0 almost overnight!
Something really happen to me in year 2005 and I make a 36 CI claims of RM54,000 and used up around RM100,000 on my medical card.

So how much insurance do I really need?

Logic will tell me that I will need RM739,200 of life insurance. However, not many people can afford that. I can't afford it for sure. So, what's the minimum sum assured that I need to aim for?

Minimum insurance amount recommended:

At least 10 years of INCOME

Salary x 12 months x 10 years
RM2,800 x 12 x 10 = RM336,000


I should insured myself for at least RM336,000 because:
for eg. I was strike with 36 CI in 2005 at age 39, I should get RM336,000 critical illness coverage.
Invest the money - 10% annual return (assumption)


RM336,000 x 10% = RM33,600/year = RM2,800/month

which is equivalent to my current salary

Therefore, in the event of a claim, I can withdraw a regular monthly income without touching my capital.

For Peace of Mind and everything that matters.

I'll always be here for you.

Michael Gan
PS this is the end of my initial education process on Life insurance, will update you all accordingly whenever I gain new experience


Anonymous said...

Well, not to say the calculation is wrong, but once anyone gets struck by 36Ci, a big portion of the 36CI claims should have been utilized to pay off your hospitalization & medical bills, it leaves you not much to invest. So, what is your view on this.

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