Monday, August 17, 2009


Dearest buddies,

I LOVE YOU ALL. Read yesterday News Sunday Times 16th August 2009 and agreed with the writer Marc Lourdes title "Why hide love when you can show it every day" in page 21.

Life had been a total difference for me since recovering from my "BIG C". I see things very much difference from a normal person (for eg. I am always happy :-) now).

I still remember very clearly I am totally two different person back then (I am a very happy person at work O:-) - with the happy "mask" but back home I am totally lost >:-( because I lack the love from my parents - I am not blaming my parents for that). This is the fact of life, the way I chose to live my life previously due to some bad experiences.

Who don't have bad experiences or good experiences?

BUT now everything is PAST, I learn to live now and enjoy every seconds of my life. I am contended with what I have. I don't need a big house; I just need a comfortable house that can give me shelter. I don't need a big car; I just need a decent car that can bring me safely from point A to point B.

A lot of time we only think about materials things (land, houses, vehicles, jewels, luxuries and etc.) and justify our appetite by telling ourselves that it's for security, safety, a rainy day, etc. - extract from the newspaper

Oh yes I am going to write on "WHY INSURANCE?".

What I am sharing is not because I am an insurance agent but I as a "reborn" person.

You all receive my earlier emails about "PRIORITIES of Life Insurance", "Life Insurance is an ASSET" and "How much coverage is enough".

I went thru and now I realised my life insurance priorities was at number 28, the policies I bought is a liabilities to me (because I pay and I only get a set of document which I hardly touch or sometime not sure where I place it) and my previous agent never share with me how much I need to be cover (cos we were friends and I support them, I don't know what to ask them, I only know I go bust then it will benefit my next of kin, so I bought from them).

With my reborn VISION (educate all my friends and whomever I get to know the importance of Life Insurance) and MISSION (to educate everyone to think out of their box in how they view Life Insurance as one of their Top priorities).

I believe many of you think that I want to earn your money (with all this vision and mission - nonsense). Well, I will say YES, I earn your money but when nothing happen at maturity date then you will say "Why I didn't ask him/her to buy more?" or if something happen then you will also say "Why I didn't ask him/her to buy more?". This is because you will be the one getting the benefits ($$$) and not me (not even a cents from your benefits). What I get is the mere commission which throughout my entire life being I will be servicing you.

So the sooner you make appointment to see me, the sooner I can advise you accordingly. I will still be calling you all, look forward to share with you soon.

Michael Gan

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