Friday, September 28, 2007

Part 38

Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2006 07:21:49 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Michael Gan"
Subject: Chronicle of Michael Gan Part 38
To: "Alvin Soo", "Kevin Soo", "Lim Kian Soon", "Yee Mei", "Leslie Chong", "Frank Liang", "Dennis Gan", "JO GAN", "Iris Ho", "Alicia Yeap", "Angie", "BK", "Ho Wai Chun", "Julie Gan"
CC: "Joey Phua Guat Choo", chpottery, "Pastor Mark", "Eric Ng", "Florence", "Henry Foo", "Jee Lan Foo", "Guruprasad", jesreen, jimmyl, "Kah", "Yeap Chong Boon", "WJ Chan", "Syven Chee Shok Ching", "Emily Wong", "Wong Fe Lian", "Suzanne Tan Saw Hiean", "Tan Yap Khim", "Nancy Peng Swee Lin", "Lye Pei Ling", "Ngo Kwai Meng", "Josephine Ong", "Owen Ang Heng Oon", phingwc, "Joyce Tham", angiepcng, "Annie Chai/Ikea_kl", inania, "jim_kow", "Jeffery Lim", pek-mei.yoon, wlchan

Dearest buddies,

I'm back from my 2nd chemotherapy on 5/9, back home on 6/9. Feel stronger than the 1st time. This time the session is the same as the 1st time with addition of anti-vomitting, anti-gastrik - injected thru the fluid. My 3rd chemotherapy is set on 26/9 then I will do a scan to see whether I can start radiotherapy with chemotherapy or need another round of chemotherapy.

I feel that the lump on my neck is completely shrink and my vision is getting closer and I'm looking forward to the day when I woke up I see a clear vision.

I shall update you all when I had further improvement.

(This portion was added on 7th September 2007)
After 1st chemotherapy, I experience voices whispering and in certain day I am awake and the next thing I find is that I am at my balcony. I quickly switch on my prayer and pray in my heart. This happened after each chemotherapy session (altogether 6th session) when my immune system is at the lowest level. For your information, I experience this after each session and I can’t concentrate on the screen for too long as it seems to be talking to me (if you know what I meant) and that’s why my emails to you all is getting shorter and shorter. Base on my experience the chemotherapy make me feel unconscious and I would like to thanks GOD for waking or bringing my conscious back in time otherwise I will be history.

I went to see “Abang” and he told me I am progressing very well and the cancerous cell did not spread to any other location …. Thanks GOD. Remind me to drink his blessing water, the banana skin, ask me to walk as much as I can and see him after my 3rd chemotherapy.

Michael Gan
My comment: Must be conscious and positive at all times.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Part 37

Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2006 01:33:53 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Michael Gan"
Subject: Chronicle of Michael Gan Part 37
To: "Alvin Soo" , "Kevin Soo" , "Lim Kian Soon" , "Yee Mei" , "Leslie Chong" , "Frank Liang" , "Nancy Peng Swee Lin" , "Emily Wong" , "Dennis Gan" , "JO GAN" , "Julie Gan" , "Iris Ho" , "Alicia Yeap" , "Angie" , "BK" , "Ho Wai Chun"
CC: "Joey Phua Guat Choo" , chpottery, "Pastor Mark" , "Eric Ng" , "Florence" , "Henry Foo" , "Jee Lan Foo" , jesreen, "Kah", angiepcng, "Annie Chai/Ikea_kl" , inania, "jim_kow" , "Jeffery Lim" , pek-mei.yoon, wlchan

Dearest all,

I feel much stronger now after the chemotherapy ... it really drain up my energy and make me feel wanting to sleep and rest only.

For your info, my 2nd chemotherapy date is on 5/9. Well, I drop all my hair and I'm now bald, my appetite is very good now. Good news is the lump on the neck is 90% shrink.

At the moment can only do very light exercise.

(This portion was added on 2nd September 2007)
My appetite is not very good as I don’t feel like eating. My sister, Jo friend’s, Ms Amy Hoh and her son come to visit me to share about her son chronicle. Well, her son was also down with NPC Stage 3 and he had a very painful encounter (he vomit, not able to eat and having painful times). Thank GOD, he is also in remission now. They introduced me a product from MPLAN (direct selling company) called MIKI Prune Extract and MIKI Protein. His son said it helps him to gain his appetite and after he takes it, he did not vomit anymore and each time he went for chemotherapy, his blood report is always on the good side. I purchased it (cost me RM 346), after I prescribed it base on her advise on the quantity, it help me to detoxify and I also gain back my appetite. Well, this product works well for me but it might not work well for others (ask yourself this question “Does this product help or assist you in any way?”). For me, after taking it, I need to pass motion almost 5 to 6 times per day for almost a week. Currently, I need to pass motion at least 2 times per day (sometime more, depend on what food I take). My appetite improved and I am able to drink smoothly.

Michael Gan
My comment: By SHARING you will get the best information.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Part 36

Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 23:40:44 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Michael Gan"
Subject: Chronicle of Michael Gan Part 36
To: "Alvin Soo" , "Kevin Soo" , "Lim Kian Soon" , "Yee Mei" , "Leslie Chong" , "Frank Liang" , "Nancy Peng Swee Lin" , "Emily Wong" , "Dennis Gan" , "JO GAN" , "Julie Gan" , "Iris Ho" , "Alicia Yeap" , "Angie" , "BK"
CC: "Joey Phua Guat Choo" , chpottery, "Pastor Mark" , "Lau Mun" , "Eric Ng" , "Florence" , "Henry Foo" , "Jee Lan Foo" , "Guruprasad" , jesreen, jimmyl, "Kah" , angiepcng, "Annie Chai/Ikea_kl" , inania, "jim_kow" , "Jeffery Lim" , pek-mei.yoon, wlchan

Dearest buddies,

I'm discharged today and back at home now. Feel a bit weak but still feel strong.

A lot of you must have want to ask why I had a sudden change of plan ... well GOD ask me to go fight for it because if I don't go it will be 50/50 chance for me and if I go I'll live longer.

Well, this is the 1st chemotherapy that I went through and the process is as below:
1) 2pm put dehyderation fluid (about 4hrs)
2) 6+pm put another dehyderation fluid (about 4 hrs)
3) 10+pm put chemotherapy (about 2-3 hrs)
4) 3+am put dehyderation fluid (about 4 hrs)
5) 7+am put chemotherapy (about 2-3 hrs)
6) 10+am put dehyderation fluid (about 4 hrs)
7) 2+pm all done

When it put the 2nd chemotherapy, there is a slight pain on my hand but is bearable.

My next appointment to see Dr Matin is on 24/8/06, and then I will know when my 2nd chemotherapy date is.

(This portion was added on 25th August 2007)
My appetite is not very good as I don’t feel like eating. I was asked to rest in the house during this period, the 1st 4 day after the chemotherapy, I will feel ok, the next 5 days is when the immune system is down and I feel lethargic, sleepy and emotional. After the 10th day then I went to see Abang, he told me that I am progressing and coping well and the cancer cell did not spread to any other place. He reminds me to drink his blessing water and take the banana skin everyday. No extra donation or payment is required and he asked me to thank GOD and not him. I respect him as my mentor, he asked me to see him after my 2nd treatment.

Michael Gan
My comment: Must feel STRONG at all time.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Part 35

Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2006 01:29:47 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Michael Gan"
Subject: Chronicles of Michael Gan Part 35
To: "Alvin Soo" , "Kevin Soo" , "Lim Kian Soon" , "Yee Mei" , "Leslie Chong" , "Frank Liang" , "Nancy Peng Swee Lin" , "Emily Wong" , "Dennis Gan" , "JO GAN" , "Julie Gan" , "Iris Ho" , jimmyl, "Angie" , "BK" , "Ho Wai Chun"
CC: "Joey Phua Guat Choo" , chpottery, "Pastor Mark" , "Lau Mun" , "Eric Ng" , "Florence" , "Henry Foo" , "Jee Lan Foo" , jesreen, "Kah" , angiepcng, "Annie Chai/Ikea_kl" , inania, "jim_kow" , "Jeffery Lim" , pek-mei.yoon, wlchan

Dearest buddies,

There's a change of plan, I and my family decided not to go for chemotherapy since the ratio is so low. Furthermore, I personnaly felt improvement on myself after taking the Chinese medicine. My friend also introduced me to another cancer survivor and she told us about her experience and what I should do (she had urterus cancer final stage and Dr say no point of going for chemotherapy ... ask her to go back and enjoy for the next 3 months). It has been 2 years plus already and she survived and is now cancer free. Her pointer is one had to be positive, eat what's suitable and drink the right water. She's supplying me the water for 1 week and I should know the outcome at the end of the week. To update my condition at the end of the week.

(This portion was added on 19th August 2007)
At this point, if I remember correctly, I am very emotional and am totally demoralize as my condition is getting worse. My close friend shared with my sister, Jo about “Abang” again. My family asked me to go since “Abang” had cured someone who also had NPC. This is when I go and seek “Abang” help to treat me. Two of my close friends and my brother, Dennis brought me to “Abang” house in Subang Jaya and I requested personally from “Abang” to help me.

The replied from “Abang” is “OK”, he will guide me and I will need to donate some money for the charity (eg. orphanage, mosque, old folk home or etc.). At this moment, I took out my wallet and I just donate RM 600 (I had RM 1,000 in my wallet). This amount is from my heart and if you ask me why this amount, I also don’t know why.

“Abang” will ask me to sit up firm and he did a “scan” on me and then told me that I had cancer on my nose only. He asked me to undergo all the treatment that I need to undergo from the Doctor. He also asked me what’s my religious, and I told him I pray to God of Mercy. So he told me to go back and pray to my God and on his side he will pray to Allah. He ask me to bring a few bottle of drinking water for him to perform some blessing on it (will take about 4 or 5 days to perform the blessing). I was asked to finish the blessing water after each chemotherapy (approximately 5 bottles of 5 litres each). I was also asked to eat the inner part of the “Pisang Emas” (Gold banana) and the banana is to be in the mid of getting ripe.

“Abang” told me that I will have 50/50 chance if I undergo the chemotherapy and radiotherapy plus his natural treatment. Somehow, his statement triggered my energy level and confident back to very high (or full power).

“Abang” asked me to see him after the chemotherapy and he will advise me accordingly. What I can say is, “Abang” convinced me to go for chemotherapy and provide me the guidance to fight against my cancer.

Michael Gan
My comment: Must be POSITIVE at all time.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Part 34

Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 04:25:59 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Michael Gan"
Subject: Chonicle of Michael Gan Part 34
To: "Alvin Soo" , "Kevin Soo" , "Lim Kian Soon" , "Yee Mei" , "Leslie Chong" , "Frank Liang" , "Nancy Peng Swee Lin" , "Emily Wong" , "Dennis Gan" , "JO GAN" , "Julie Gan" , "Iris Ho" , jesreen, jimmyl, "Kah" , "Alicia Yeap" , "Angie" , "BK" , "Ho Wai Chun"
CC: "Joey Phua Guat Choo" , chpottery, "Pastor Mark" , "Lau Mun" , "Eric Ng" , "Florence" , "Henry Foo" , "Jee Lan Foo" , angiepcng, "Annie Chai/Ikea_kl" , inania, "jim_kow" , "Jeffery Lim" , pek-mei.yoon, wlchan

Dearest buddies,

I will start chemotherapy tomorow as I feel very weak now. Hopefully the chemotherapy will make me stronger.

Anyhow I'll be back to continue my Part 35 chronicles after the chemotherapy.

If you need any update about me, please email Dennis Gan (my brother) @

(This portion was added on 2nd August 2007)
At this point, I am really very down, feeling very scare, confused, don’t know what to do and already losing my battle before going for chemotherapy (because of my phobia). I don’t know whether I will be able to pull through my treatment.

Michael Gan
My comment: By sharing, it gave me the strength to LIVE ON.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Imaging Report


Patient : Gan Ing Leong
MRN : 699639
Age/Gender : 40/M
Requesting Doctor : Dr Matin Mellor
Date of Procedure : 7/08/2006


2 phase axial 8 mm spiral scans were performed from dome of diaphragm down to iliac crest. 8 mm scans were done through the chest during the arterial phase.

The lungs are clear.
The vascular mediastinum is unremarkable.
No pleural effusion.

The liver is normal in size and attenuation.
Multiple tiny hypodense foci measuring about 3 to 4 mm are seen in the right lobe.
These are likely to be liver cyst in origin.
No definite focal metastasis.

The gallbladder is well distended.
A small stone measuring 5 mm is seen in the GB neck.
No bile duct dilatation.
The spleen, pancreas, both kidneys and paraaortic areas are unremarkable.
No bowel mass or pleural effusion.

Impression: Small liver cyst.
No obvious evidence of lung and liver metastasis.


Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

Technetium 99m MDP Whole Body Bone Scan and spot views of the chest reveal only mild tracer increase at the lateral ends of both clavicles. The rest of the skeletal system appears normal.

Findings suggest bone changes due to previous trauma rather than metastasis.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Part 33

Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2006 22:32:08 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Michael Gan"
Subject: Chronicle of Michael Gan Part 33
To: "Alvin Soo" , "Kevin Soo" , "Lim Kian Soon" , "Yee Mei" , "Leslie Chong" , "Frank Liang" , "Nancy Peng Swee Lin" , "Emily Wong" , "Dennis Gan" , "JO GAN" , "Iris Ho", "Alicia Yeap" , "Angie" , "BK" , "Ho Wai Chun"
CC: "Joey Phua Guat Choo" , chpottery, "Pastor Mark" , "Lau Mun" , "Eric Ng" , "Florence" , "Henry Foo" , "Jee Lan Foo" , "Julie Gan" , jesreen, jimmyl, "Kah" , angiepcng, "Annie Chai/Ikea_kl" , inania, "jim_kow" , "Jeffery Lim" , pek-mei.yoon, wlchan

Dearest buddies,

I had done the CT Scan on my whole body as well as bone scan and the results was very good (no infection of the cancer to other part of my body).

Below are the facts that I check with Dr Matin Mellor:-
1) What are the chances of curing? Very low (below 10%) and there's a possibility my double vision will remain if the nerve is beyond repair.
2) What is the percentage of controlling my NPC? Approximately 70% to control the growth.
3) How long can I live if I don't go for treatment? Don't dare to say cos it depends on individual.
4) How will my treatment be like? Well, I need to do 3 or 6 chemotherapy (every three week once), after the 3rd chemotherapy, I need to do a scan to see how far it had shrink the tumour then Dr will advise further.

I also went to see another Chinese physician, Dr Wu from Dongya Tumour Specialist Hospital in UE3 complex. Dr Wu ask me to only go for 1 session of chemotherapy to control and with his medicine, he will be able to clear my NPC. I will know in 3 day time frame after I took his medicine. For your info, the medicine cost me RM1,085 (USD 286) for 10 days consumption.

I had decided to for my 1st chemotherapy (maybe this week or early next week) as I need to look for a "maid" or someone to take care of my food and boil my medicine.

Till then I will keep you all update.

Michael Gan
My comment: Courage is the ability to face your fears.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

MRI Scan Report - 2nd August 2006

MRI Scan Reports


MRN : 00102619

AGE / SEX : 39 / MALE

DATE : 2 AUG-06


Axial T1, T2 and coronal T2 followed by contrast enhanced axial and corona T1 SPIR.

There is a large heterogeneously enhancing tumor mass in the nasopharynx with extension into the skull base and both cavernous sinuses (Lt > Rt). The widest diameter is about 6 x 7 cm. There is infiltration of the pituitary fossa. The optic chiasma appears intact. Anteriorly there is infiltration into the Lt maxillary and ethmoid sinuses. Posteriorly there is involvement of the clivus. Bilateral mastoiditis. Lt cervical lymphadenopathy measuring 5.6cm x 3.3cm. There are also multiple smaller Rt cervical lymphadebopathy.

IMP. NPC with base of skull infiltration and cervical lymphadenopathy.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Part 32 - Cancer survivor

Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2006 01:20:47 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Michael Gan"
Subject: Chronicle of Michael Gan Part 32
To: "Alvin Soo" , "Kevin Soo" , "Lim Kian Soon" , chpottery, "Yee Mei" , "Leslie Chong" , frankliang, "Nancy Peng Swee Lin" , "Pastor Mark" , "Eric Ng" , "Emily Wong" , "Henry Foo" , "Jee Lan Foo" , "Dennis Gan" , "JO GAN" , "Julie Gan" , "Iris Ho" , "Kah" , "Alicia Yeap" , "Angie" , "BK" , "Ho Wai Chun"
CC: "Joey Phua Guat Choo" , "Florence" , jesreen, jimmyl, angiepcng, "Annie Chai/Ikea_kl" , inania, "jim_kow" , "Jeffery Lim”, pek-mei.yoon, wlchan

Dearest buddies,

It has been a while since my last email; things had not been smooth for me. My condition had worsened and I’m beginning to feel weak. At times, my emotion took over and I was emotionally down a few times crying. Well I had done the MRI scan and it turn out not in favour of me. For your information, the tumour had grown bigger and thus is affecting my drinking and eating problem (that's what Dr said). I will be doing another CT Scan and Bone scan on Monday at Subang Jaya Medical Centre then I will have an appointment to see Dr Matin Mellor on 8/8 3pm to know what type of treatment is best for me. Till then I will update you all.

(This portion was added on 22nd July 2007)
At this point, I don’t have the energy to write in details about the pain I went through and I also don’t want all my friends to be worry about my condition therefore you only see a paragraph.

Michael Gan
My comment: Never give up.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Part 31 - Cancer survivor

Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2006 08:13:58 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Michael Gan"
Subject: Chronicles of Michael Gan Part 31
To: "Lim Kian Soon" , "Yee Mei" , "Leslie Chong" , "Frank Liang" , "Emily Wong" , "Dennis Gan" , "JO GAN" , "Julie Gan" , "Iris Ho" , "Alicia Yeap" , "Angie", "BK" , "Ho Wai Chun"
CC: "Joey Phua Guat Choo" , "Alvin Soo" , "Kevin Soo" , “chpottery”, "Pastor Mark" , "Eric Ng" , "Florence" , "Henry Foo" , "Jee Lan Foo" , jesreen, "Kah" , angiepcng, "Annie Chai/Ikea_kl" , inania, "jim_kow" , "Jeffery Lim" , pek-mei.yoon, wlchan

Dearest all,

It has been a very challenging last month for me, not able to enjoy the World Cup cos I slept very early but able to see the repeat the next day.

For your information, below are the things that I go thru last month:-
1) On 19/6, I had difficulty in drinking. Cannot drink too fast, because the water I drank will come out thru my right nose.
2) On 21/6, had difficulty in eating rice or noodle and got a few times I almost choked myself but I managed to vomit out the intake. Drinking problem still persist.
3) On 23/6, I can hardly speak and occasionally had coughing.
4) On 25/6, there's improvement on my voice, drinking and eating
5) Of course during this period I managed to finish my meals everyday.
6) On 29/6, went to Haytai, see Uncle Su on 30/6, this trip no medicine for me but I was given a menu for my porridge (everyday) and a soup menu (twice a week). I was told that this will improve my immune system and help to gain back my normal drinking and eating habit.
7) At this moment I'm able to drink 250ml of water non-stop and able to eat faster than before.

Don't worry; I'm still coping with it very positively and there is further improvement on my drinking and eating habit, I'm thinking of going to Pemalang, Indonesia to see Ibu Atun.

For the time being, I can only take porridge or kueh-tau soup. As for my weight, I think I'm about 79 to 80 kg,

My next trip should be either 1 st week of Aug or 2nd wk of Aug..

Michael Gan
My comment: Strong fighting spirit is my character.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Part 30

Date: Sun, 4 Jun 2006 08:06:42 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Michael Gan"
Subject: Chronicle of Michael Gan Part 30
To: "Yee Mei" , "Leslie Chong" , "Frank Liang" , "Alvin Soo" , "Kevin Soo" , "Lim Kian Soon" , "Alicia Yeap" , "Angie" , "Ho Wai Chun" , "Emily Wong" , "Dennis Gan" , "JO GAN" , "Iris Ho"
CC: "Kah", "Lau Mun" , "Eric Ng" , "Joey Phua Guat Choo" , "Florence" , "Henry Foo" , "Jee Lan Foo" , "Julie Gan" , "jesreen" , "angiepcng" , "Annie Chai/Ikea_kl" , "inania", "jim_kow" , "Jeffery Lim" , "pek-mei.yoon" , "Chee SumYeong" , "wlchan"

Dearest all,

I'm back from Haatyai, things are progressing slowly and I personally can feel the effect. This time I need to consume 5 type of medicine ie. numbers 1, 88, 33, 11 & 9. Uncle Su said that my internal organ is very strong now and ask me to bear with the pain on my head as it's clearing the cancer cell on the nerve (that's why it is so painful).

For your info, a group of my leadership program friends bought me a B-ion jade mattress on 22/5 and I had been utilising it, it help to reduce my pain and also help me to sleep better. I can feel that it help to expediate my detoxification as I will sneeze off quite a lot of phlegme (dark + brown) from the left nose.

Good news is that my lump on my neck is shrinking; hopefully it will be fully gone when I go for my checkup.

I'm targeting my next trip to be sometime 6th July 06.

Michael Gan
My comment: When there is a WILL then there is a WAY.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Part 29

Date: Wed, 17 May 2006 01:35:11 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Michael Gan"
Subject: Chronicles of Michael Gan Part 29
To: "Yee Mei" , "Leslie Chong" , "Frank Liang" , "Alvin Soo" , "Kevin Soo" , "Lim Kian Soon" , "Alicia Yeap" , "Angie" , "BK" , "Celine Chin" , "Ho Wai Chun" , "Emily Wong" , "Dennis Gan" , "JO GAN" , "Iris Ho"
CC: "Kah" , "Pastor Mark" , "Lau Mun" , "Eric Ng" , "Joey Phua Guat Choo" , "Florence" , "Henry Foo" , "Jee Lan Foo" , "Julie Gan" , "jesreen" , "angiepcng " , "Annie Chai/Ikea_kl" , "inania" , "jim_kow" , "Jeffery Lim" , "pek-mei.yoon" , "Chee SumYeong" , "wlchan"

Dearest all,

I'm still going strong and I wish to share with you all about the experience that I went thru these couples of week.

For a better picture of my condition, please find below my explanation:-
1) Started Uncle Su medicine from 4th September 2005, the 1st seven month is to strengthen my 5 organ systems ie stomach, lung, kidney, heart and immune system.
2) Started cancer medicine from 15/3/2006 and lately the "migraine" is something that I will never forget because certain time it make me cry and just like someone is knocking on my head.
3) After the medicine I need to drink a lot of water as my mouth feel very dry and around every 2 hours I need to go to toilet. This symptom is very familiar to my friend who had undergone chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
4) To counter this pain, Uncle Su ask me to take porridge with pork meat + pig blood + "kau choy" plus green mung - wow a big round of applause as I had been taking this for the past few weeks ... not easy but I tell myself "got something to eat rather than nothing to eat". It helps to reduce the pain.

Questions that arise during this period:-
1) It is normal to have such a pain? Yes as verified by Uncle Su
2) How long do I need to endure such pain? Maybe a month or 2 depending on my capability
3) Why not go for medical checkup? Target to go on July 06
4) My hearing is getting worse? Uncle Su says that everything will be back to nromal when I'm completely cured. At the moment had to rely on hearing aid.
5) Getting confuses and asking myself will I be cure? I'm looking forward to my recovery and always remind myself each morning that I'm still alive and getting healthier and stronger.

My next trip is confirmed on 1st June 06 and I shall update you all after I'm back.

For your information, my double vision is closing in slowly and hopefully my vision will be back to normal before my next mail.

Michael Gan
My comment: Always look forward to my recovery.