Friday, September 28, 2007

Part 38

Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2006 07:21:49 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Michael Gan"
Subject: Chronicle of Michael Gan Part 38
To: "Alvin Soo", "Kevin Soo", "Lim Kian Soon", "Yee Mei", "Leslie Chong", "Frank Liang", "Dennis Gan", "JO GAN", "Iris Ho", "Alicia Yeap", "Angie", "BK", "Ho Wai Chun", "Julie Gan"
CC: "Joey Phua Guat Choo", chpottery, "Pastor Mark", "Eric Ng", "Florence", "Henry Foo", "Jee Lan Foo", "Guruprasad", jesreen, jimmyl, "Kah", "Yeap Chong Boon", "WJ Chan", "Syven Chee Shok Ching", "Emily Wong", "Wong Fe Lian", "Suzanne Tan Saw Hiean", "Tan Yap Khim", "Nancy Peng Swee Lin", "Lye Pei Ling", "Ngo Kwai Meng", "Josephine Ong", "Owen Ang Heng Oon", phingwc, "Joyce Tham", angiepcng, "Annie Chai/Ikea_kl", inania, "jim_kow", "Jeffery Lim", pek-mei.yoon, wlchan

Dearest buddies,

I'm back from my 2nd chemotherapy on 5/9, back home on 6/9. Feel stronger than the 1st time. This time the session is the same as the 1st time with addition of anti-vomitting, anti-gastrik - injected thru the fluid. My 3rd chemotherapy is set on 26/9 then I will do a scan to see whether I can start radiotherapy with chemotherapy or need another round of chemotherapy.

I feel that the lump on my neck is completely shrink and my vision is getting closer and I'm looking forward to the day when I woke up I see a clear vision.

I shall update you all when I had further improvement.

(This portion was added on 7th September 2007)
After 1st chemotherapy, I experience voices whispering and in certain day I am awake and the next thing I find is that I am at my balcony. I quickly switch on my prayer and pray in my heart. This happened after each chemotherapy session (altogether 6th session) when my immune system is at the lowest level. For your information, I experience this after each session and I can’t concentrate on the screen for too long as it seems to be talking to me (if you know what I meant) and that’s why my emails to you all is getting shorter and shorter. Base on my experience the chemotherapy make me feel unconscious and I would like to thanks GOD for waking or bringing my conscious back in time otherwise I will be history.

I went to see “Abang” and he told me I am progressing very well and the cancerous cell did not spread to any other location …. Thanks GOD. Remind me to drink his blessing water, the banana skin, ask me to walk as much as I can and see him after my 3rd chemotherapy.

Michael Gan
My comment: Must be conscious and positive at all times.


Anonymous said...

Dear Michael,
So happy to hear that you have improvement.
As long as you have the burning desire to get well , you will be recover soon.


Anonymous said...

Hi Michael.
Do keep up with positive thinking. It's really encouraging to hear improvement from you each time. My friend's daughter has also gone thru chemo. Last year when I met her, her tummy was big; hair dropped but last month when I met her again, she's fully recovered !! She's got back her hair, and her health obviously ! She looks real good ! We wish you speedy improvement and recovery too !

Warmest regards,

Anonymous said...

really..really good to hear on yr progress, michael... and have faith in carry on further so you be stronger each day..

btw, which hospital are u getting this treatment?


Anonymous said...

Hello Michael,

From the various update, I see you are doing much better than before. Keep
it up!

I just sent you something over the wire, not much, I trust it will be useful
in diluting some of the medical cost.

Have faith.
