Sunday, September 2, 2007

Part 29

Date: Wed, 17 May 2006 01:35:11 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Michael Gan"
Subject: Chronicles of Michael Gan Part 29
To: "Yee Mei" , "Leslie Chong" , "Frank Liang" , "Alvin Soo" , "Kevin Soo" , "Lim Kian Soon" , "Alicia Yeap" , "Angie" , "BK" , "Celine Chin" , "Ho Wai Chun" , "Emily Wong" , "Dennis Gan" , "JO GAN" , "Iris Ho"
CC: "Kah" , "Pastor Mark" , "Lau Mun" , "Eric Ng" , "Joey Phua Guat Choo" , "Florence" , "Henry Foo" , "Jee Lan Foo" , "Julie Gan" , "jesreen" , "angiepcng " , "Annie Chai/Ikea_kl" , "inania" , "jim_kow" , "Jeffery Lim" , "pek-mei.yoon" , "Chee SumYeong" , "wlchan"

Dearest all,

I'm still going strong and I wish to share with you all about the experience that I went thru these couples of week.

For a better picture of my condition, please find below my explanation:-
1) Started Uncle Su medicine from 4th September 2005, the 1st seven month is to strengthen my 5 organ systems ie stomach, lung, kidney, heart and immune system.
2) Started cancer medicine from 15/3/2006 and lately the "migraine" is something that I will never forget because certain time it make me cry and just like someone is knocking on my head.
3) After the medicine I need to drink a lot of water as my mouth feel very dry and around every 2 hours I need to go to toilet. This symptom is very familiar to my friend who had undergone chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
4) To counter this pain, Uncle Su ask me to take porridge with pork meat + pig blood + "kau choy" plus green mung - wow a big round of applause as I had been taking this for the past few weeks ... not easy but I tell myself "got something to eat rather than nothing to eat". It helps to reduce the pain.

Questions that arise during this period:-
1) It is normal to have such a pain? Yes as verified by Uncle Su
2) How long do I need to endure such pain? Maybe a month or 2 depending on my capability
3) Why not go for medical checkup? Target to go on July 06
4) My hearing is getting worse? Uncle Su says that everything will be back to nromal when I'm completely cured. At the moment had to rely on hearing aid.
5) Getting confuses and asking myself will I be cure? I'm looking forward to my recovery and always remind myself each morning that I'm still alive and getting healthier and stronger.

My next trip is confirmed on 1st June 06 and I shall update you all after I'm back.

For your information, my double vision is closing in slowly and hopefully my vision will be back to normal before my next mail.

Michael Gan
My comment: Always look forward to my recovery.


Anonymous said...


Good to hear from you - that is already a good sign !!!

Laughter and cheers is part of the cure. Don't get worried and must be confident.

Keep up the spirit my friend !

:) :) :) :) :) :)
Cheers & Best Regards,
Yours sincerely,

Anonymous said...

Dear Michael,

Glad to hear from you. I know I can't do much but pray for your know that you have a bunch of ppl supporting you from the back either physically or mentally. Stay strong brother....I also have to remind myself every morning when I am awake that I am here to contribute to others so that I am motivating myself to go to work. Working in IBM is of no joke at all. Time passes by real fast here and before I know's already late and sometimes I work till very late. It's just a routine that to go back to sleep and come back to work. But luckily got a short break next week....I am going to Guang Zhou for my product training....taking the opp to take a break at the same time.

I think that you take care of yourself very well....I dun think I am capable of doing that. Good job to yourself!

My wishes & prayers for you to get well again...

With Best Regards!