Friday, July 31, 2009

Why life insurance - priorities

Dearest buddies,

My intention is to educate all of you and whomever I come across.

This is the beginning of what I had learnt and beside the experience that I went thru. Hopefully it will give you all a better understanding of WHY LIFE INSURANCE? rather then WHY ME? (as being the CHOSEN ONE).

Basically you all are at work and have INCOME which provide the following :-
1) Food
2) Shelter
3) Clothing
4) Transportation
5) Family obligations
6) Education Funds
7) Entertainment
8) Self respect
9) Peace of mind
10) Vacation
28) Insurance

Above is just a simple way to tell me what's my main PRIORITIES in my life earlier, for me "Insurance" was place at number 28. Because when I die I will leave something behind for my next of kin. It never cross my mind that 36 critical illness will struck me and I manage to pull through.

If I had place it among the top 5 priorities then I will not have to worry about me suddenly losing MY INCOME.

It doesn't or ever cross my mind or all of a sudden that my ability to generate INCOME suddenly come to a STOP. Lucky for me, I managed to get my life back and am now still able to share with you all. Just imagine if I am not able to get back to work, you will see me begging for donation (eg. get DAP/MCA assistance or The Star or NST to publish for donation). Do I sound like I am begging for sales from you all ? WRONG I AM NOT BEGGING FOR SALES. As I mention earlier, you buy from me is because I had make you realize the importance of life insurance and the type of coverage you have or do not have.

I treasure my life so much now that HEALTH is my 1st priorities in life; wealth only come second, as it will provide me the other priorities.

This is what I am requesting from you all, put on your thinking cap and list down your priorities (what is the most important things in your life).

Nobody know when things will HAPPEN, unless you are GOD or can foresee the future.

Michael Gan

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