Friday, July 24, 2009

Why life insurance

Dearest buddies,

Lately, some of you have been receiving call from me about my new career.

I just want to share about how I had gone thru. Basically, you all know I was down with NPC and I ask myself the following questions :-

How to handle it ?
Where to go for treatment ?
How am I going to finance my treatment ?
How to carry on with my daily life ?

Answer to the above is as below :

Accept it and go to private hospital
I was insured and got a claim for RM54,000
Medical card to take care of the medical expenses (use up RM100K, left with RM50K).
Donations from you all (if my record is correct I had received close to RM18K)
Support from a close buddy (I regard it as a loan from him which is RM50K)
Since Oct06 till now, I am receiving RM1,248/month from SOCSO (Perkeso).

Wow, look like I had collected quite a big fund. Next question is , how do I use it ?

Frankly speaking I had overused on my so call "Future Money" ie. credit card - had a debts of RM60K (I had 8 cards and all of them is to the limit already). Thank GOD, I am now DEBT FREE. I had also use up around RM28K for chinese medicine

The fund that I received is all use up for my daily expenses (estimated around RM1,800/month - comprise of housing loan, house maintenance, utilities bills, supplementary product and a big sum on food) - Inflation rate goes up (I still remember in 1990's I can enjoy a mixed rice at the cost of RM1.20 plus ice chinese tea, but now it cost RM4 and 50 cents for ice chinese tea).

My 2 sisters hire a daycare maid (RM600/month) for me. I feel such a burden and yet is very fortunate to had the support from my closed ones.

Basically I need to start earning money to support myself and my future family.

Why I choose life insurance as my new career ?

1st is because of all the support that I had received from you all.

2nd is after going thru the process of educating myself on life insurance that I realise if I bought enough than I am able to support myself now and I won't have to rely on other source of income (support from sisters and brother, buddies and friends).

Lastly, I want to touch each and everyone of you, by making sure that you are insure base on your income and should anything happen, you still have your income. Not like me, still have to rely on your support.

Michael Gan

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