Friday, May 15, 2009

Latest update

Dearest buddies,

Good day to all of you. Wow, time flies, already 4 months since my last email. I had my oncology checkup at Sime Darby Medical Center yesterday 3.30pm, as usual Dr Matin Mellor had a followup checkup on me and was informed that everything is normal and next appointment will be on 14th September 2009 11am.

I also met up with a patient who also had NPC and is also in good condition (oops forgot to ask his name). Well, he ask me whether I put on weight, my answer to him is "YES I am back to my actual weight 93.6kg (actually I am over my BMI index by 8+kg), and advise him to eat healthily and eat a little bit of meat (chicken, beef, lamb, etc)"

I also told him that each individual response differently on the food we take, so always ask ourself whether the food that we are taking is it suitable to me or not. Each person body will react differently.

At this moment now I am down with the common flu (due to the unusual current hot weather), therefore my part time activity is all being put on hold till I fully recover.

Will update you all again next week after my ENT checkup on coming Monday.

Michael Gan

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