Friday, March 20, 2009

Cancer survival

Dearest buddies,

Wow, it had been 4 years now (since I was down with NPC) and I am now in my 24th month remission. Wow wow time really flies.

As per my last update, I am suppossed to make a comeback into the corporate world, well, it looks like I need to put a hold onto this idea. Wait, STOP, don't jump into any conclusions, I am completely in tip top condition (everything under control) at this point.

I will be doing some part time job (the time will come and you will know what I am doing ....... hee hee hee).

As fot this blog I will be continuing and on the same time I will be posting some of the information that is sent to me by some of you (don't worry, your name will not be there) and the information that I posted is merely for sharing purposes. I find it quite informative and it act as a reminder to me. Since it work for me, I also hope it will benefit others as well.

Michael Gan

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