Monday, June 25, 2007

Part 6

Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 22:49:37 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Michael Gan"
Subject: Chronicle of Michael Gan - Part 6
To: "Angie" , "BK" , "Celine Chin" , "Ho Wai Chun" , "Emily Wong" , "JO GAN" , "Iris Ho" , "Leslie Chong" , "Frank Liang" , "Pastor Mark" , "Alvin Soo" , "Kevin Soo" , "Lim Kian Soon" , dgik
CC: "Henry Foo" , "Kah" , "Eric Ng"
Dearest buddies,

I'm back. There's a change of plan for my trip to Indonesia - reschedule to another date - will let u all know before I go.

Well, it's almost 2 weeks since my last email n I'm feeling much stronger each day. Visit my Chinese physician on 7/5/05. Mr Ng and Ms Jillian told me that my health had improved by 50%. On the same time I took my 3rd month medicine costing RM1,041 (USD 274) - there's some changes on the medicine flow - no change - everyday also need to consume - for your info, I never miss and are very punctual on taking my medicine because I'm damn boring staying at home and I want to recover fast and get my ass back to work ... whew !!!

Sorry for my frustration, well, feel much better now.

On the 9/5/05, I sneeze off a lot of blood from my nose and I feel much better after that. The feeling was the same like I had when I was treated by Ibu in Indonesia. Occasionally I still had blood attached to my phlegm or when I sneeze.

As for the SOCSO, I called Mr Pacoima Singh (introduce by Ms Boon -SL) - an officer in SOCSO, he ask me to submit all the forms for them to process. At the moment, I'm waiting for the document from Sunway Medical to fill the form that I passed to them on 10/5/05 (normally around 2 or 3 weeks). Ask me to submit 3 forms (Pemberitahu Keilatan (Notice of Invalidity), Akaun Bagi Pencen Ilat (A copy of the saving account book of a designated bank (only of the Invalid Pensioner)), Laporan Perubatan Untuk Memohon Pencen Ilat (Medical Report of the applicant)) to their Petaling Jaya office at Wisma Panglobal, Jalan Tandang. To make 2 sets, 1 to pass to them, another set for them to acknowledge receipt of the document.

That's all at the moment.

Michael Gan
My comment : By sharing out my frustation, it help to make me feel lighter and stronger.


Anonymous said...

hi michael, im glad that you let me know about your status. Im really sad about your condition, but i believe that you can make it and survive. Dont worry yourself too much, everythings gonna be ok, and im sure one day things will get better. just pray hard...! Dont forget to take your medicine! Take care for now @ hope to hear from you soon! Rgds Melissa

Anonymous said...

Hi Michael,

It was nice to read your short email. Well done and Hope you are cancer free soon!

All in all, I am glad that you achieved comfort and I am glad you had keep all of us informed. Please continue as this is what friendship is all about - Keeping in touch!

Do let us know if you ran out of financial support. I am sure we will all do our best to help you and pray for you!

Please keep all details of this email and print them out for your record keeping as discussed. I am not sure if you would write a book about your case or Biography one day but in case someone in the authority, publisher, magazines, new friends, and or public who wants to know your fight to survive, your new life and how you have turndown cancer to adopt/embrace new religion. I don't know what you will do but until you do something about it - like this email you sent and you get this reply from me with some suggestions.

Lastly, this should keep you busy rather than getting bored and frustrated for not doing anything at home. You could also pray (or Yoga or meditation) and do some reading (business magazine) to keep abreast of the market news

Keep the spirit up and as usual - sent the email as we hope to hear from you again soon.

Cheers & Best Regards,
Yours sincerely,

Anonymous said...

Dear Michael

That was very great to hear that you are slowly recovering. I hope to hear better news from you soon.


Anonymous said...

Hi Micheal,

Good to hear that you're getting stronger not only physically But mentally , too.

Hey! youngman you will be alright..


Anonymous said...


Very nice to hear that you're feeling better