Thursday, June 14, 2007



Tunggu……..Wait……Not so fast. Now that I have your attention, let me tell you the primary reason for the creation of this blog……….
I am a cancer survivor and I feel compelled and duty bound to share my experience so as to give different perspectives to the cancer patient or the close friends or relatives. Ultimately, an insight and hopefully MOTIVATE, DRIVE and periodically TICKLE you on this journey to SURVIVE the FIGHT……..SIT TIGHT AND ENJOY THE RIDE…..

This is my story………
- From the ONSET, INSTILL A FIGHTING SPIRIT. It is really ok to seek 2nd or 3rd opinion and even run through the series of test. (The cost may make you pause, but think about it, what if the first report was wrong! You definitely do not want to undergo chemo or radiation to realize later, some dumbo got the files mixed up!)
- Results are out; the 2nd or 3rd tests confirm the C News…… Take a deep breath and FACE REALITY and ACCEPT the inevitable.
- NO MAN IS AN ISLAND……”GARNER SUPPORT”. Call, email( it’s easier than face to face and definitely cheaper lah) or SMS your family members and friends.
- FLOOD YOUR THOUGHTS POSITIVELY……… Since 23rd March 2006, I have been religiously writing ‘I AM VERY HAPPY THAT I AM NOW STRONG AND HEALTHY”…….
- Have Faith……….Believe in GOD, Speak/Pray to GOD Daily. Feels kind of Good, knowing when I am down, someone much more powerful is in charge.
- Have FAITH and the CONFIDENCE with the treatment you decide on.
- BE A FISH!!!! DRINK, DRINK and DRINK….no not samsu or brandy! EVEN IF I DON”T FEEL LIKE EATING, I took MILK…Enercal Plus, Ensure, Peptamen….H2O 3 LITRES!!!, 3 GLASS OF JUICE and then feel like the fuel tank of a Kancil!!!
- Join Hospis Malaysia, some may look sick, but NO ONE FEELS SICK…. A place of camaraderie, love and friendships, also to meet other Cancer survivors. Their website
I WAS in an emotional turbulence, I WAS a Pain to be with…….I had a pity party, but REALISATION Stepped in I DECIDED I WAS GOING TO GIVE IT THE BEST FIGHT I KNEW HOW.

My turning point…….I received confidence from “Abang” Go to my blog to read about him. On 17th June 2007, silly as it may sound, I did a ritual act…….I KILLED THE CANCER!!! CHOPPED THE BANANA tree and “plop” into the river it went……
GOD BLESSES EVERYONE……If I have touched you with my story….., now go touch someone else’s.

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