Friday, June 15, 2007

Part 2

Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 23:32:06 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Michael Gan"
Subject: Chronicles of Michael Gan - Part 2
To: "Angie" , "Ho Wai Chun" , "JO GAN" , "Leslie Chong" , "Frank Liang" , "Pastor Mark" , "Lim Kian Soon" , celine.chin, simbk, ewongsk
Dearest all,

Let me continue my boring story.

Thanks Kian Soon (my Singapore good friend) for assisting to spread the Chinese physician name card.

19/3/05 - the Chinese physician is recommended by my younger sister mother in law. This physician had cured a patient with breast cancer (Dr say she got another 3 months to go and need to start chemo now), so luckily that this lady was introduce to this physician and she's in her 11th month now and still going strong and working as normal at the pasar malam (a night market where you could find your basic necessity).

I personally had the faith of this physician. The cost of the medicine for 30days is RM1,023 (approximately US$ 270).

20/3/05 - This is my 1st day to start consuming the Chinese medicine. It's like the start of a course as below:-
Breakfast - tea break - after lunch - tea break - after dinner = daily
herbal medicine to consume for the next 30 days which need to be boiled for 1 hour or 3 hours depending on the herbs.

21/3/05 - Went for 2nd opinion at Tung Shin - met with Dr M K Tan
Make a mistake as I just passed all my reports to Dr and Dr say I need to undergo the following treatment ie. 6 times chemotheraphy plus 35 times radiotherapy - running concurrently. Forget to ask him the critical questions.

A lots of my friends drop by to visit me and it really help to boost my confidence to the next level (oops sound like playing computer games).

After listening to all suggestions and advises, I make a decision to go for a 3rd opinion and ask my sister Jo Gan and Mr B K Sim of SL Information System to introduce any good Dr in S'pore.

28/3/05 - Confirm appointment with Dr Khoo Kei Siong - Consultant Medical Oncologist & Physician - Gleneagles Medical Centre, 6 Napier Road, #01-03, Singapore 258499. Tel: +65 64722662

29/3/05 - Meet Dr Khoo and request Dr to do another test and told Dr that I'm seeking a 2nd opinion. Dr Knoo advice to take blood test (same day) and perform a PET Scan the following day (30/3/05).

30/3/05 - PET Scan taken - all in took approximately 5 hours (from 11am till 3pm) - must break fast for 6 hours before the test.

31/3/05 - Collect the PET Scan report and met with Dr Khoo at 2.30pm. Dr confirmed that I'm diagnose with Nasopharyngeal cancer (nose cancer) and it's at Stage 4A, and all other organs is not affected. The following question was asked:-
1) How long do I have if I did not seek any treatment? Maybe 6 months or 1 year or more - it depends on the aggressiveness of the cancer cell, my antibody and myself.
2) How much will it cost me? Approximately S$25,000 (US$ 14,500) for 6 or 7 cycles of chemo and 35 times radiotherapy - all can be treated as outpatient excluding food and accommodation.
3) What the chances are of fully recovered from cancer? about 30% to 40%
4) What are the chances of controlling it? about 80% to 90%
Total cost to get this 2nd opinion is approximately RM9,500 (US$ 2,500) inclusive of flights.

1/4/05 - April Fool Day - not really fooling u all but my vision is beginning to close the gap on my double vision - just imagine after consuming the Chinese med for about 13 days. Can even feel that there is movement around my head - feel like my nerve is pulling each other. Consult the Chinese physician, was informed that it is a good reaction.

2/4/05 – Mr B K Sim of SL Information System visit me and I told him that my plan is to continue with Chinese medicine and also plan to go to Indonesia for treatment as per his recommendation (maybe mid or late April). Mr B K Sim to arrange for the trip to Indonesia.

3/4/05 - Vision back to normal

4/4/05 - Able to drive my car around the neighborhood.

7/4/05 - Started to have rashes all over body - it is itchy and reddish. Check with Jillian and ask to apply the lotion (smell like rubber shit). Was informed that currently it's helping to detoxify my whole body system and it's a good sign.

Ok time's up for a short nap - another thing is after consuming the herbs I feel a bit tired and certain morning I will spit out some phlegm with blood - check with Jillian - was informed that it's a good sign.

Cheers and best regards.
Michael Gan
My comment : No pain no gain

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Michael, tks for the update. Appreciated being kept in the loop. Allows us to pray more specifically for you ... please continue to take good care. Good to see you resting when you feel the need to. ... have been remembering you in prayer. God bless. Pastor Mark