Thursday, June 21, 2007

Part 4

Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2005 03:08:54 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Michael Gan"
Subject: Chronicles of Michael Gan - Part 4
To: "Angie" , "BK" , "Celine Chin" , "Ho Wai Chun" , "Emily Wong" , "JO GAN" , "Iris Ho" , "Leslie Chong" , "Frank Liang" , "Pastor Mark" , "Lim Kian Soon" , henfoo
Dearest all,

I'm back with more interesting experiences to share with you all. Before that I would like to say thank you to everyone for your support (so sorry that I did not include everybody email, kindly forwards it to them if I missed anyone) and especially Mr Soon of SL Information to making my trip to Indonesia a reality and eye-opening.

17/04/2005 - 10.45am left for KLIA airport, was accompanied by Mr B K Sim (thank you) to the airport and met with Mr Chuah and Mr Eric Ng (both whom’re Mr Soon good friends). As the flight is 1.35pm MAS flight (cost RM610 – USD 160), we went to McDonald's for lunch - not much choice for me except for McPorridge.

3.35pm - reach Jakarta, met up with 2 more new friends ie. Mr Henry Foo and Ms Dorothy Foo (from Singapore) - all five of us adjourn to Red Top Hotel (Jl. Pecenongan No. 72, Jakarta 10120 - - which is nearest to the train station. Taxi fare to hotel cost RP 180,000 (USD 19)

5.45pm - Mr Reno (the person who arrange our trip in Indonesia) drop by at Hotel and brief us about tomorrow plan ie. 6.30am to leave from Hotel to train station (about 15 minutes). Hotel cost per night plus additional bed at RM320 (USD 85)

7.30pm - All five of us adjourn to a nearby Chinese restaurant called Super Kitchen and had some nice food - it was on Mr Chuah treat (thank you).
Sleep at around 9.30pm. Oh ya, I did not missed my Chinese medicine (on schedule so far).

18/04/05 - Woke up at 5.30pm (alamak - forgot to change the time to 1 hour behind) - got all the time to prepare my herbs and had a good breakfast.
Left Hotel around 6.30am (Jakarta time) - reached train station around 6.45am (charges for additional taxi to train station was paid by Edy (Reno father).)
Left Hotel to see "Ibu". Before we go in, we're to fill in a paper the symptoms of our illnesses. A bit greedy, below is what I written:-
1) Lihat ke-depan - bayangan dua (look in front, got double vision)
2) hidung kanser (nose cancer)
3) gusi berdarah (gum bleeding)
4) kolekstro tinggi (high cholesterol)
5) tangan kanan lemah (right hand no strength, very weak)
6) dua tahun yang lalu jatuh, kepala sebelah kanan bengkak, dirawat di rumah sakit 5 hari (2 year ago, fall down, there is a swollen balm behind my right side of my head, hospitalized for 5 days)
7) seluruh badan gatal dan flak merah (whole body itching and got rashes)
8) telinga kiri tak dapat dengar (left ear cannot hear)

Arrive at the place - its full house - wait for 15 minutes (they had a system where the entire patients name has been printed out. 1st to go in, Ibu read my symptoms as above & ask me to lie down the bed then Ibu use a cotton to wipe both side of me nose & I feel a bit of cold or chill & wet. Ibu show me what she had wipe out ie. black dark blood. Ibu also use 2 different cotton to wipe both my hand & told me I got "darah kotor" (dirty blood). Before I go out, Ibu wrote the below:-
Above treatment is less than 5 minutes.
1st treatment - donate RP350,000 (USD 37) to orphanage and RP100,000 (USD 11) for Ibu treatment. Got 8 bottles of 1.5 litres treatment water from Ibu cost RP30,000 (USD 4)
After the treatment, it's best to have a cup of hot tea.

After taking Chinese medicine - I had quite a bit of blood phlegm from my throat.

Edy told us about his own experience. He had a stroke sometime in January 2005 and was in coma for 5 days where Ibu gives him treatment everyday for about 1 month. Edy told us Ibu slap him on his tongue and with the constant treatment from Ibu, Edy was able to walk 90% on his own after 2 months. Before that his right hand and right leg was on the other side (if you know what I mean), the mouth was going sideway.

For the services provided by Edy, it cost us RP1,500,000 (USD 158) each person (which comprise of 4 days, 3 nights stay plus breakfast, accommodation to and fro to Ibu and to and fro to train station.

19/4/05 - early morning spit out quite a lot of blood phlegm. 10am went to see Ibu. Waited till 1.10pm. Ibu wipe my left and right nose and left face (same a lot of black dark blood). Ibu also wipe my forehead and show me that it's a sticky whitish stuff. Ibu then wipe both my arms.
RP100,000 (USD 11) for Ibu treatment

After lunch, went back to Hotel and had Chinese medicine, in a short while nose start to bleed and got a lot of blood phlegm from throat.

Night time - still got bleeding, Chuah and Henry shared on some Buddhist teaching ie. must have self confidence and use mind to control the bleeding.

Skip night time Chinese medicine.

20/4/05 - am - till got blood phlegm from throat but no more nose bleed.

11.15am - See Ibu and inform her of my nose bleeding. Today, Ibu hold & press the cotton on my nose for a bit longer then usual (about 10 seconds) and Ibu show me a handful of black dark blood. Ibu use another cotton and wipe below my right nose and I can see sticky whitish stuff. Ibu told me my arms are OK.
RP100,000 (USD 11) for Ibu treatment.

12 noon - adjourn to Hot Spring
Skip afternoon Chinese medicine.

Went for dinner - very good appetite. Still got blood phlegm from throat and continue Chinese medicine by convincing myself.

21/4/05 - am - still got blood phlegm from my throat - which make me recall that Chinese physician Jillian - told me that it's a good sign.
11am - Ibu wipe my nose and still got blood. Ask Ibu about my hearing, so Ibu check on both ear. Ask when to come back, Ibu reply 1 month later (15/5/05). RP100,000 (USD 11) for Ibu treatment.

Took a 1.45pm train back to Jakarta
6.40pm reach Jakarta, Reno picked us and we adjourn for dinner and back to Red Top Hotel.
9.30 am - start to feel uncomfortable on my stomach (like got air) so slept early.

22/4/05 - need to go to toilet to release at least 7 to 8 times and each time is like water coming out only (detoxifying).

23/4/05 - not so frequent and is able to control.

24/4/05 - went to see Chinese physician Mr Ng and Ms Jillian. Confirm that it is a good sign and is not food poisoning.

Overall, after the treatment from Ibu, I can see that my vision had improved and I had faith that I will be completely cancer free after my 2nd treatment. I intend to do my CT Scan after my next treatment from Ibu and my completion of my 2nd month on Chinese medicine.

Cheers and best regards.
Michael Gan
My comment : Self-confidence and sharing with everyone or anyone help me to feel lighter. It works for me and it might work for other cancer patient.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Michael

TQ so much for the write up - indeed happy to hear you are full of fighting spirit (do keeps it up).

If you have the added time - mediation as well.
