Sunday, June 17, 2007

Part 3

Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 22:38:05 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Michael Gan"
Subject: Chronicles of Michael Gan - Part 3
To: "Angie" , "BK" , "Celine Chin" , "Ho Wai Chun" , "Emily Wong" , "JO GAN" , "Iris Ho" , "Leslie Chong" , "Frank Liang" , "Pastor Mark" , "Lim Kian Soon"
Dearest friends,

I'm back and will continue what I had experience in the last few days. Before I continue, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to SL Information especially Mr Soon (for asking BK to coordinate for my medical treatment to Indonesia) – Mr B K Sim, kindly forward the mail to Mr Soon, thank you very much. For all your info, I'll be leaving for Indonesia this coming Sunday flight 1.30pm and I had activated my mobile to be on roaming services, so I can be reachable.

8/4/05 - Visit Chinese physician Mr Ng and Ms Jillian, and was informed that there is improvement and I should be recovering very soon. Tell them I had rashes all over my body, blood phlegm and heartbeat sometime very fast. Conclusion is:- very good symptoms and was informed that it's currently detoxifying my body. Collect another month of Chinese herbs cost RM1,030 (USD 271)

10/4/05 - Vision at night time - extremely bright (will check on my eye power end of the month).

11/4/05 - By word of mouth, a friend call up requesting for the physician contact number. Ask her why, was told that her mother in law is having lung cancer and Dr say it only have until end of this month. I told her that it's all about the individual and ask her to ask her mother in law, what's her choice? If she choose to live on then the percentage will be higher.

12/4/05 - Occasionally seem to have double vision for 5 to 10 seconds. Check with Jillian and was told that it's common as it had not fully cleared the cancer cell.

Once again thanks for all your support, see u all very soon.

Cheers and best regards.
Michael Gan
My comment : Support from friends and loved ones are very important.


Anonymous said...

Dearest Michael,

We are so glad to hear that you are under good care of your Chinese physician and recovering fast too. You are one person who does not give people implication that you are ill….very brave & confident indeed!……The ”never give up” spirit that we all must learn from you. We are all behind you, u know Michael….supporting you all the way to recovery.

My dear friends, Michael has been sharing his experience, though painful but I think he has this “uumpph” in him despite his struggle to recovery that he very much wants share us…even with people whom he does not know and those who can relate to his experiences.

Keep up the good spirit of life, Michael….looking forward to your next sharing session.

Rgds CC.

Anonymous said...

All these while when I heard ppl making a wish during their b'day.... "I wish to have a peaceful world, No war, no fight, no nature disaster... wish to have a good health... a longer life..." I just find it very "ngong kui" and ask if it's necessary??!!! C'mmon, we are staying in M'sia, one of the most safety country that's away from the nature disaster... N most of us are just 20'es to 30'es.. (or maybe 40'es) Long life?!! you must be jocking...

But after 26th December, when Tsunami hits... seeing so many people lost their homes, their love one.. i can really feel the pain. Never in my life, i will ever "imagine" myself to experience what is called Earthquake.. till 29th March, 2005 12.03am.... It's a big "slap" for me to wake up from the world of my thought..

I was at my hometown having lunch with my mum when I received a call from Micheal. Early on, I thought he just making a jokes when he told me about his situation... (he sounded so calm and few more days is April Fool day...) But who will ever make a jokes out of their life???...

I have been asking myself... what's the message that the universal is trying to tell me? I have been neglected my health assuming I still can eat, sleep n run... I have been ignoring the love one assuming they will always be there... but what if I"M WRONG??..

Micheal, I really thank you for trusting us and be open to share your experience. In fact I'm looking forward to read your journey.. (althought each time before I read, there's a part of me that i feel very uncomfortable and fear..). Be Strong and I feel proud of you. I know I will not have the strength like you to face up the challenge that you have right now.

Take good care.. and I WISH you "sun dai kin hong"!!



Anonymous said...

Hi Michael,

This could be the very 1st time that I am writing to you since you left SCS. I was surprised and sad to hear about you after the breakdown of our communication for past few years. I have been reading your chronicle updates. Praise the Lord that he has given you the strength to take up this challenge and your gradual improvement. Pray u have a fruitful trip to Pematang. Cancer is our enemy. We should be able to fight them and keep them in our fist.

Just to let you know a few of your old frens (namely Amelia Vijayamala, Agnes, Michelle Yau, Fe Lian, Sherynn Ong and I) have been praying for you. We will always keep you in our prayer.....take care Michael....

We all care and love you.............

Best Regards

Anonymous said...

Hi Michael

Glad that to hear that u have improvement after seeking the Chinese Treatment. You are indeed a strong person and decided to move on with yr live too. Wanted to ask whether are u still interested in seeing the lady with I told u before. Just could extend help to you. Like u mentioned, is up to individual belief.

If you think it will help u and you are keen, do call me. Unfortunately, today I forgot to bring my handphone out.

Take care.


Anonymous said...

My dearest friends, thanks for keeping me in the loop.

Michael, we are sorry to hear that you are not well. Vivien and I are
praying very hard for you and we want to see you back to normal very soon.
You are a strong man and we wish you all the best.

Please keep us posted mate. God bless you!

With Love -> Alan&Vivien.. our kids Ashton (going to 5) & Evan(3mths+).

Anonymous said...

Hi Michael,

I am sorry to hear about your health. You are a very strong person! And I am glad that you are under safe hands with the reatment you are going through now. All will be well and I will pray for your speedy recovery.
I am with you all the way, as I was also detected with cervix (cervical)cancer (Carcinoma C2) early Nov last year while doing my yearly health check. I was in the early stage of cancer (pre cancer). Got my operation done soonest possible and am now in pink of health.

To all our female LP Buddies, please get your yearly Pap Smear and Mammogram check done before it too late. There is no sign when it is in the early stage of cancer. It can only be detected through these checkups.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone well and in good health. Do stay in touch!
