Friday, July 31, 2009

Why life insurance - priorities

Dearest buddies,

My intention is to educate all of you and whomever I come across.

This is the beginning of what I had learnt and beside the experience that I went thru. Hopefully it will give you all a better understanding of WHY LIFE INSURANCE? rather then WHY ME? (as being the CHOSEN ONE).

Basically you all are at work and have INCOME which provide the following :-
1) Food
2) Shelter
3) Clothing
4) Transportation
5) Family obligations
6) Education Funds
7) Entertainment
8) Self respect
9) Peace of mind
10) Vacation
28) Insurance

Above is just a simple way to tell me what's my main PRIORITIES in my life earlier, for me "Insurance" was place at number 28. Because when I die I will leave something behind for my next of kin. It never cross my mind that 36 critical illness will struck me and I manage to pull through.

If I had place it among the top 5 priorities then I will not have to worry about me suddenly losing MY INCOME.

It doesn't or ever cross my mind or all of a sudden that my ability to generate INCOME suddenly come to a STOP. Lucky for me, I managed to get my life back and am now still able to share with you all. Just imagine if I am not able to get back to work, you will see me begging for donation (eg. get DAP/MCA assistance or The Star or NST to publish for donation). Do I sound like I am begging for sales from you all ? WRONG I AM NOT BEGGING FOR SALES. As I mention earlier, you buy from me is because I had make you realize the importance of life insurance and the type of coverage you have or do not have.

I treasure my life so much now that HEALTH is my 1st priorities in life; wealth only come second, as it will provide me the other priorities.

This is what I am requesting from you all, put on your thinking cap and list down your priorities (what is the most important things in your life).

Nobody know when things will HAPPEN, unless you are GOD or can foresee the future.

Michael Gan

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why life insurance - continue

Dearest buddies,

I am SORRY if I had mislead you all into thinking that I am pressing you all to buy insurance from me. My intention is not to make money from you.

My intention is to educate you all and by looking into your existing policies then I will be able to let each individual know what you have bought (how long since you bought your 1st policy?, do you know how long your medical card is cover up to?, what is it that you are cover on?)

All I am asking from you is to give me a chance to look into your existing policies and as you all know I don't have any transport now, I would appreciate that you could come and visit me on the same time.

It is solely your DECISION to buy or not because I will not press you to buy.

By doing above, I will also gain valuable experience.

Thanking you in advance.

Michael Gan
PS Hope to meet you all soon.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Voices of Hospis 2009

She look so gorgeous, hope to dine with her one day.

He's so handsome, don't get me wrong I am straight.

Group photo comprise of Hospis honourable, volunteers and the CHOSEN ONES. We are such a "BIG family"

Yesterday, instead of my weekly daycare at Hospis Malaysia, we were invited to the launch of Voices of Hospis 2009 at JW Marriot Hotel. For more info about this event, please visit the following site or call them at 603-91333936.

All of a sudden I also feel like celebrities ... hee hee

IF I remember correctly this event will be held on 24th October 2009 at JW Marriot and we will get to hear 2 celebrities lending their voices to make this event a meaningful and successful event ie. Michelle and Tony (sorry if I got ur name wrongly spell).

Wow enjoying my lunch

Two handsome guy

Telling her that I blog

Oh my gosh, I am so so so lucky


Friday, July 24, 2009

Why life insurance

Dearest buddies,

Lately, some of you have been receiving call from me about my new career.

I just want to share about how I had gone thru. Basically, you all know I was down with NPC and I ask myself the following questions :-

How to handle it ?
Where to go for treatment ?
How am I going to finance my treatment ?
How to carry on with my daily life ?

Answer to the above is as below :

Accept it and go to private hospital
I was insured and got a claim for RM54,000
Medical card to take care of the medical expenses (use up RM100K, left with RM50K).
Donations from you all (if my record is correct I had received close to RM18K)
Support from a close buddy (I regard it as a loan from him which is RM50K)
Since Oct06 till now, I am receiving RM1,248/month from SOCSO (Perkeso).

Wow, look like I had collected quite a big fund. Next question is , how do I use it ?

Frankly speaking I had overused on my so call "Future Money" ie. credit card - had a debts of RM60K (I had 8 cards and all of them is to the limit already). Thank GOD, I am now DEBT FREE. I had also use up around RM28K for chinese medicine

The fund that I received is all use up for my daily expenses (estimated around RM1,800/month - comprise of housing loan, house maintenance, utilities bills, supplementary product and a big sum on food) - Inflation rate goes up (I still remember in 1990's I can enjoy a mixed rice at the cost of RM1.20 plus ice chinese tea, but now it cost RM4 and 50 cents for ice chinese tea).

My 2 sisters hire a daycare maid (RM600/month) for me. I feel such a burden and yet is very fortunate to had the support from my closed ones.

Basically I need to start earning money to support myself and my future family.

Why I choose life insurance as my new career ?

1st is because of all the support that I had received from you all.

2nd is after going thru the process of educating myself on life insurance that I realise if I bought enough than I am able to support myself now and I won't have to rely on other source of income (support from sisters and brother, buddies and friends).

Lastly, I want to touch each and everyone of you, by making sure that you are insure base on your income and should anything happen, you still have your income. Not like me, still have to rely on your support.

Michael Gan

Sunday, July 5, 2009

2009 Family Gathering - 3rd day Cameron Highland

We check out from Pulau Pangkor around 12.30pm and by the time we reach Lumut it is almost 1.30pm already and we search around looking for a food, we manage to find a restaurant somewhere around Setiawan. The food is good and reasonable and we started our journey towards Cameron Highland. Well, I drove and we follow the direction leading us to Simpang Pulai (as we called all our friends to get some directions - thank you my friends).

Actually it is quite exciting as we all are not too sure about the directions and we need to search high and low for the direction (I hope the government will look into upgrading all the directions in Malaysia - to assist the traveller to have better direction - as we are not into "Treasure Hunt".
At last we reach Simpang Pulai exit and we continue our journey using the new Cameron Highland highway. Well by the time we reach Brinchang, there is a bit of jam there due to the Pasar Malam (I think it took us about an hour to reach our destination).

We visit the Butterfly farm and stop at some nursery farm as well. We missed the Boh Plantation and Strawberry Park, never mind , next trip.
