Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Cancer survival

Dearest buddies,

Happy belated April Fool Day !!!

I had been wearing the "prism" glass (close to a month already), YES, I am adapting comfortably with it so far.

Well, there is a change of plan about me joining back the corporate world - move to June08, after I complete my PET-Scan schedule on 22nd May 2008. I am also sourcing for some part time job which I could work from home ..... any recommendation ???

For your info, Hospis Malaysia is having their 7th Hospis Charity Treasure Hunt on 26th and 27th April 2008, this time the hunt will lead us to Penang Holiday Inn, for signing up and to give your support to charity please visit their website

Dear buddies, it has been quite some times that I met up with all of you, and I see this as a good opportunity to get together and on the same time doing charity ... wow ..... one stone kill two bird.
Oops before that I will need someone to sponsor me for this treasure hunt (because I am not sure whether I will be invited by Hospis to attend as their guest this year - must give other people chance).

Michael Gan

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