Monday, March 24, 2008

Cancer survival

Dearest buddies,

Wow, I am beginning to get use to my "prism" glass and I also drove my friend Toyota Hilux (looking for parking at Mid Valley). Not easy but it is a matter of time that I get use to it.

My plan to be back to corporate world is push to June 2008 (after I did my PET-SCAN) and I will be asking the doctors when will I be discharge and consider cancer free.

Michael Gan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My aunt has colon cancer and Ibu Atun cured her despite 3 doctors in Singapore confirming that she has less than 3 months back in 2005. I have been to see Ibu Atun too and she cured me of my sinus and improved my eye vision. I dont know how it works but i guess it's about karma too.