Thursday, November 22, 2007

Which treatment to choose

I went thru numerous type of Chinese medication and spiritual healing but it does not cure me..... maybe I'm not fated with these types of treatments (because it cures other).

Sometime around July06, I had not make up my mind about going for chemotherapy and radiotherapy yet, because I'm scared and do not had the confident of going thru as I had bad experience (my mom had cervix cancer and she suffers from it).

Luckily my friend introduces me to "Abang" again and I went to seek his help (this time). By talking to him, it provide me the courage and meaning of fighting spirit which I had all this while.

This is my turning point and I never look back, with "Abang" guidance.

Before I went for my final scan in May07, I went to see "Abang" 1st and he had declared that I'm already cancer free and it does not spread to any other location.

True enough, the PET-scan result show that there is no active cancer cell anymore.

On 17th June 2007, I went to look for a young banana tree as requested by "Abang". It is meant for final ritual that's to chop off the banana and throw into the river - this is to avoid recurrence of the cancer. I done it and there won’t be a recurrence for my nose cancer.

My comment: Whichever treatment that you chose, you must have the confidence and for my case I had the guidance from "Abang"

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