Tuesday, November 27, 2007

How am I doing since I finish my treatment?

Well, things had been improving slowly and thank God, everything is fine for me. Every 2 months I will go for my ENT checkup at Sunway Hospital seeking Dr Koay expertise – so far so good. Every 3 months I also go for my Oncology checkup at Subang Jaya Medical Centre seeking Dr Matin Mellor expertise – same result, so far so good.

I am still experiencing double vision (so driving is an issue for me at the moment), pimples (as my body is still very heaty), constipation (on and off, under control), my left thigh pain (seems to reduce after sleepig on the B-Ion mattress), dry mouth (still need to drink a lot of water) and last but not least still getting sponsorship from MPlan for their Miki Prune Extract and Miki Protein as supplement.

Michael Gan

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Which treatment to choose

I went thru numerous type of Chinese medication and spiritual healing but it does not cure me..... maybe I'm not fated with these types of treatments (because it cures other).

Sometime around July06, I had not make up my mind about going for chemotherapy and radiotherapy yet, because I'm scared and do not had the confident of going thru as I had bad experience (my mom had cervix cancer and she suffers from it).

Luckily my friend introduces me to "Abang" again and I went to seek his help (this time). By talking to him, it provide me the courage and meaning of fighting spirit which I had all this while.

This is my turning point and I never look back, with "Abang" guidance.

Before I went for my final scan in May07, I went to see "Abang" 1st and he had declared that I'm already cancer free and it does not spread to any other location.

True enough, the PET-scan result show that there is no active cancer cell anymore.

On 17th June 2007, I went to look for a young banana tree as requested by "Abang". It is meant for final ritual that's to chop off the banana and throw into the river - this is to avoid recurrence of the cancer. I done it and there won’t be a recurrence for my nose cancer.

My comment: Whichever treatment that you chose, you must have the confidence and for my case I had the guidance from "Abang"

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Interview myself

Interview Michael Gan (yes you are right, I interview myself)
When I know I got cancer, I’m stun, my mind was blank, the question like why me? If I remember correctly I was down for about a week whereby I was not able to sleep properly throughout the night, will wake up occasionally.
I told myself that since GOD had chosen me to have cancer, so I accepted the FACT.
Friends and close one start to share about products and Chinese medicine, how do I feel? Sure or not this product or Chinese medicine can cure me, must go and see personally.
Throughout my treatment, I realized that I was very conscious about the treatment I choose and I had confident for each treatment I chose.
Of course, I’m scared myself. All my life I had never seen so much blood coming out from me. The burn around my neck (during my radiotherapy treatment).
The pain on my head is so unbearable until I knock my head against the wall.
I know that I was very emotional and sensitive and I believe this make my close one in a difficult situation to communicate with me.
When I choose to go for chemotherapy and radiotherapy, I was very down and very frightened whereby I had this feeling that I will not make it. It is like the end of the world for me.
After seeking “Abang” help, I was reenergize to full confident and ready for the final battle against my cancer.
I am now cancer free because I have the support from my family, close one and friends, my prayer to GOD is received, “Abang” blessing and advise, my fighting spirit and chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

How to care and support a cancer patient

Today I want to share about how you can provide the care and support to cancer person. What I am about to write is based on my experience:-

I'll put it in point form:-
1) When I was diagnose with cancer.
My mind was blank, stun, depress, why me? "devil" begining to whisper in my mind.
Go for 2nd opinion, share with your friends, I get a lot of advice from my friends. By doing so, some friend can even provide their experience on what's best for us, how their friend had went thru the treatment, how to overcome the side effect.
2) Accept the fact that I am the chosen one.
I share openly with you all and that make the different. If the cancer patient is willing to share then he/she had accepted the fact, meaning he/she is ready for the battle to overcome cancer.
3) How to show care and support to a cancer patient?
Do not separate the cutlery, this will show sign that he/she is unwanted or feel isolated.
For me, as a bachelor, I'm use to eating alone but for a family, it is best that we eat together. Eat healthily together using olive oil, organic food, steam fish and less meat. Exercise together, by going for morning walk at the park, feeling the fresh air and practice some gi gong together. Talk or chit chat more with cancer patient, by doing so they will start sharing and maybe will let us know how he/she feels and he/she will never feel loneliness. I experience this myself but for me it is different because I'm damn positive so I overcome it myself by calling, emailing and sharing with you all.
4) Talk to people like Hospis Malaysia or any other charitable organization - they had the experience to advise us what to do next.
When I was down, I don't know who to talk to.
5) Monetary term is the 1st thing that a cancer patient is worry about.
Thank you all for all the donations that you all had shower to me (this help on my daily expenses), I'm lucky to know you all. Luckily I had bought critical illnesses insurance policy (this help on my medical bills). I had use about RM20k for chinese medicine, RM90k for western medicine and RM40k for travelling and food. This is a lot of money and I consider myself very lucky as I do not have to worry about the money.

What I had written above is based on how I had experienced it and it work for me; I hope it will come handy to other cancer patient.

Michael Gan