Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cancer survival

Dearest buddies,

I had my ENT checkup on 18th May 2005 at Sunway Medical Center. As usual Dr Koay will screen through both my nose and press around my neck and the result is everything normal except for some minor flu. Next appointment will be on 14th September 2009 1.30pm.

My normal routine is every Tuesday, I will go to Hospis Day care in Cheras. Well, I had my blood pressure check and "oh my gosh" my reading is at 160-100 (very high). Consider having hypertension, ask me to take cefuroxime 250mg (twice a day).

Today, I go to Klinik Sri Manja to check on my flu and also my blood pressure reading ..... oh oh the reading is 160-110. Advise me to have my blood taken for test.

Hooray, got a call from the Klinik at around 4 pm and was confirmed that my blood test is normal ...... phewwww.

Conclusion, I think it is due to the current heat (well, must blame on something loh ..... hee hee).

Michael Gan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey michael, perhaps you could consider taking up Yoga or Tai Chi. heard that it helps on our BP.

keep on blogging bro! we r with u.