Monday, April 28, 2008

Participate in 7th Hospis Malaysia Charity Treasure Hunt

I kicked off my 2nd hunt at 5.15am 26th April 2008, Dr Gan came to fetch me on time and we move on to fetch another participant, Belinda at Sentul. We reach Bukit Jalil Stadium as the 2nd earliest car at 6.25am.

The hunt started off at 7.50am.

This time I participate in the treasure hunt as a "navigator". A whole new experience for me. It is not simple to navigate, you know, hee hee, I lead my team to a few wrong directions. To be a good navigator, one must be able to intepret the directions correctly and distance is very important (must know how to judge how far is 100 metre, 200 metre and etc.)

Another pointer is we need to have time master, otherwise we tend to not give up easily and thus would spent as much time as we one till we solve the question. My advise is to limit each question to 5 to 8 minutes per question.

For those who's thinking of joining some treasure hunt in the future, please prepare some food so that your team can have something to eat (well, we had sandwishes and fruits).

This round my team known as "Double Barrel" did not manage to finish on time and we were disqualified. Another pointer will be if your team is running out of time, forget about completing all the hunt questions and proceed straight to the closing point and submit whatever hunt that your team had.

Anyway, it is fun and I enjoy it very much, wow I am feeling really tired but not too worry, I got myself a good rest.


Monday, April 14, 2008

Health Screening

Dearest buddies,

Good morning. Wow, I am into my 3rd year now since being down with NPC and thank GOD, I am into my 1st year remission now.

During this period, I learnt a lot and I wished to share with you all that I received the most LOVE and CARE from you all that I had never experience before in my entire life.

I had a five pointers to share with you all about living my life to the fullest:-
1) HEALTH is by far my 1st priority in my life now.
2) HAPPY is the choice I make each morning (even though I am till at home, not working yet ... hee hee).
3) Be INSURED, lucky for me I am insured with critical illnesses policy (estimated cost of treatment RM100K, left RM50K for my entire life).
4) SHARE my experience as this is one way of GIVING.
5) Go for yearly CHECKUP as we aged.

Based on the pointers above, I believed you can easily accomplished 1 to 4. Before I was diagnosed with NPC, I ignore my yearly checkup (pointer no 5) and thus endup with a late stage diagnosis of NPC. Just imagine, if I had done it earlier I would be able to tackle it much earlier or even prevent NPC from happening. PREVENTION is the magic word.

So, the following questions arise:
a) Is there a place where I can go and do my yearly checkup ?
b) To what extent that the checkup cover, eg. Blood test, Hepatitis Tests, ENT examination, PAP's smear, Abdominal Sonography Examination and etc.
c) How much will it cost for all this tests?
d) Is all this cover in our insurance policy?

a) YES
b) It cover 22 Screening Stations providing 34 Major and 103 Minor screening items
c) Base on (b) the test will cost you RM3,462
d) NO unless you are down with the illnesses (touch wood).

Oh yes, I am selling or promoting here (to earn some extra money).

My friends, if you only had to pay RM680 per trip for item (b), would you be interested?

Hey, bingo, you guess right, 1st you need to sign up as a member, and how much would it cost you? Well, if you sign up as an individual it will cost you RM2,988 (life membership) or RM1,988 (need to pay RM150 for yearly renewal).

There are a total of 10 packages to choose from and I can even group all my friends into group of 3, 6 10 or 18 persons per group. The so call membership price can go down to as low as RM938.80 per person (life membership) for a group of 10 persons.

The next thing, you will ask me is, sure or not? how professional is this place? who's backing them? are they certified? Well, I'll be glad to bring you personally to the center and you can witness it yourself. After you had seen the place, there is no obligation that you must sign up as a member, please think it over and hopefully you will make a wise choice by doing a budget for it.

Maybe some of you may have heard of it through your friends, the company I am representing is called MJ Health Screening Center/Kuala Lumpur. It's an international company with ISO9001 certification.

I know some of you may think "maybe I'll do it later because I should be OK since I am still young.".

REMINDER: We had been taking good care of our car (sending at least 2 times a year for servicing) ... but we forgot to service our own body.

Remember, disease doesn't happen overnight. it accummulates over the years. your loved ones cannot afford not to have you around.....just yet. News Straits Times dated 13th April 2008 publish "One in four Malaysian adults may develop diabetes in their lifetime."

Should you need any further information, please feel free to call or reply to me.

Michael Gan

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Cancer survival

Dearest buddies,

Happy belated April Fool Day !!!

I had been wearing the "prism" glass (close to a month already), YES, I am adapting comfortably with it so far.

Well, there is a change of plan about me joining back the corporate world - move to June08, after I complete my PET-Scan schedule on 22nd May 2008. I am also sourcing for some part time job which I could work from home ..... any recommendation ???

For your info, Hospis Malaysia is having their 7th Hospis Charity Treasure Hunt on 26th and 27th April 2008, this time the hunt will lead us to Penang Holiday Inn, for signing up and to give your support to charity please visit their website

Dear buddies, it has been quite some times that I met up with all of you, and I see this as a good opportunity to get together and on the same time doing charity ... wow ..... one stone kill two bird.
Oops before that I will need someone to sponsor me for this treasure hunt (because I am not sure whether I will be invited by Hospis to attend as their guest this year - must give other people chance).

Michael Gan