Monday, January 28, 2008

Follow up checkup on 28th January 2008

Dearest buddies,

I had my oncology followup checkup today at Subang Jaya Medical Centre. Dr Matin Mellor said my condition is so far so good and ask me to do a PET/CT scan on 22nd May 2008, 9.30am and see Dr with the scan result on 24th May 2008, 11am.

Oops, I gained an additional 4kg, based on their weighing machine, I am now at 88.1kgs ..... oh my ..... must go to gym to work out.

I will be going back to my grandma home on 5th February 2008 to celebrate Chinese New Year, therefore would like to wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year, may all your wishes come true. "GONG XI GONG XI, GONG XI FATT CHAI".

Michael Gan

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Happy Thaipusam

Wishing everybody a Happy Thaipusam.

Michael Gan

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cancer survival

I am doing "ok" even though I begin to feel the boreness and loneliness being at home most of the times (definitely this negative signs will popped out from my mind and I just need to get hold of my positive eraser to erase it off).

Well, I can say that I am proud of myself to be able to handle it cautiously and taking things one at a time. Thus I make myself busy with my responsibility as one of the committee member for my condo Joint Management Body (organizing the management of the condo to its best on security and improving the standard of living for the condo). The scope of the work is not much as there will be at least one meeting each month (sometime 2 times) and will discuss and suggest the ideas to improve the current situation.

As you all know, I also go to Hospis Day Care (every Tuesday, except for public holiday). It seems like a recharge for me, where I mingle with all the others Chosen Ones and the volunteers is extremely marvellous in providing the care , support and love.

As for my industrial court case, the judge had make the verdict and my case had been dismissed (reason given is there is redundancy). If I wish to apply for judicial review, it will cost me more money. Well, life goes on even I lose the case.

For your information, I am currently taking a product called Xango (mangosteen juice), it is supposed to help improve my double vision. I took it since 7th December 2007 till now. I will know the outcome after finishing consuming 12 bottles, will let you all know the outcome and am crossing my fingers that my vision will be back to normal by then. Currently, I feel there is slight improvement on my vision.

Michael Gan

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Change my lifestyle

Dearest buddies,

Since my last treatment of radiotherapy on 4th March 2007, I had been on remission till now and I had change my lifestyle completely. Everyday I am a jovial and happy person and to me each day is consider a bonus day for me (if you get what I meant). I see things in a very difference manner and much much wider than before. I would not say that I am a smarter guy now but I will definitely admit that I am a much loving and caring guy now.

One thing I gain is communication, I share and accept view gracefully. Would you all agreed with me that if a person who's under a bad emotion means that the person is actually communicating base on his/her emotions. I was during my chemotherapy and radiotherapy session.

Michael Gan

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year 2008

Wow it is the 1st day of 2008, a new beginning with renew resolutions.

Before that, I wish to wish everyone a *** HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008 ***

Well, I celebrate my new year eve count down in a church, a new experience for me (even though I am a Buddhist), I was able to watch from the church the fireworks that took place at the Sungai Wang side and part of KLCC.

My 1st wish is to wish for my double vision to be fully recover by 29th February 2008.

My 2nd wish is to be back to the corporate world on 1st March 2008.

Michael Gan