Monday, October 1, 2007

Part 39

Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 02:24:23 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Michael Gan"
Subject: Chronicles of Michael Gan Part 39
To: "Alvin Soo", "Kevin Soo", "Lim Kian Soon", "Yee Mei", "Leslie Chong", "Frank Liang", "Emily Wong", "Dennis Gan", "JO GAN", "Iris Ho", "Alicia Yeap", "Angie", "BK", "Ho Wai Chun"
CC: "Joey Phua Guat Choo", chpottery "Pastor Mark", "Lau Mun", "Eric Ng", "Florence", "Henry Foo", "Jee Lan Foo", "Julie Gan", "Guruprasad", jesreen, jimmyl, "Kah" , "Yeap Chong Boon", "WJ Chan", "Syven Chee Shok Ching", "Emily Wong", "Wong Fe Lian", "Suzanne Tan Saw Hiean", "Tan Yap Khim", "Lye Pei Ling", "Ngo Kwai Meng", "Nancy Peng", "Josephine Ong", "Owen Ang Heng Oon", phingwc, "Joyce Tham", angiepcng, "Annie Chai/Ikea_kl", inania, "jim_kow", "Jeffery Lim", pek-mei.yoon, wlchan

Dearest buddies,

I had just completed my 3rd chemotherapy yesterday and I'm back at home resting. The cycle of the chemotherapy is the same, the only thing is that I had to wait for 5 hours (suprisingly I was cool and do not lose my temper) before I get my bed and started my treatment at 2.30pm. My Doctor was wondering why I had not arrived and was about to call me when the nurse tell Doctor I just got my bed (around 1.30pm). My next appointment will be on 17/10 to do a MRI scan at 10.45am and then Doctor will advise me what the next treatment is.

I'm feeling great after my 3rd chemotherapy, and I gain weight since the 2nd chemotherapy (about 3kg) cos I've been consuming Prune extract (early morning and before sleep), 3 times fruit juices everyday, 2 or 3 times steam kampung chicken soup per week (without the chicken meat), fish, and a lot of vegetables. I drank almost 3 to 3.5 litres of water (Abang blessing water and banana inner skin) everyday and walk around at my house and doing breathing exercise early morning.

I shall update you all accordingly. Be happy and don't worry.

(This portion was added on 12th September 2007)
As usual, went to see Abang after my immune system is back to normal. Told Abang that I gain weight and Abang also notice that my speech had improved and so far so good, everything is under control. Ask me to maintain my weight and cut down on the chicken soup (from 3 to once a week).

Michael Gan
My comment: I am not a choosy eater.


Anonymous said...

Hello Michael,

Good morning there.

Well, after managed to talk to you on the phone last Friday i can feel you will recover very soon. Your voice is very good and clear
this time. Very energitic and strong. It's good news to all and i believe yourself also very happy now.
You have changed a lot in your diet nowadays and getting more healthier now by doing exercise.
It's good for you and your body.
The diet that you takes is very healthy and delicious too.

I have informed some of our collegues here on your recovery
and we will look forward to meet you again someday.

Ok, have to stop her for today.
May god bless you and take good care.
Remember to pray more and have peace in mind always.

Wishing you speedy recovery !

Bye !!


Anonymous said...

Hi Micheal,
How are you so far since I last spoke to you ? Have you finish all your treatment and how is your scanning result ? Did Dr Mellor said you can carry on with your radiation ? I will be praying for you and please keep me inform of your health.

take care,