Friday, July 6, 2007

Part 10

Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 22:07:33 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Michael Gan"
Subject: Chronicles of Michael Gan - Part 10
To: "Angie" , "BK" , "Celine Chin" , "Ho Wai Chun" , "Emily Wong" , "Florence" , "Dennis Gan" , "JO GAN" , "GAN H.G." , "Iris Ho" , "Leslie Chong" , "Frank Liang" , "Pastor Mark" , "Alvin Soo" , "Kevin Soo" , "Lim Kian Soon"
CC: "Henry Foo" , "Jee Lan Foo" , "Jesvinderjit" , "Kah" , "Eric Ng" , "Tiger"
Dearest all,

I'm back from Indonesia on 17/6/05 and so sorry that I didn't inform u all earlier.

Well, for this trip I went with Dorothy and 2 newcomer ie. Mr Tiger (Mr Chong) and Mrs Tigress (Mrs Chong). Tiger had nose cancer 3 years ago and had gone thru the chemo and radiotherapy.

Dorothy is completely a new person as compare to the 1st trip, she's more cheerful, energetic and well the most important of all is she's sharing her experience and she had move to positive thinking ... bravo to her.

As for my treatment:-
1st day - Ibu took a lot of dark blood from my nose. She also took blood from my stomach (3 spots) after she diagnose me. As usual the next morning I had blood on my phlegm (sorry for my wrong spelling earlier of "phlegm"). Had to wait for about 4.5 hours.

2nd day - Ibu wipe out dark blood from my nose and 2 spots on my stomach. Waited for about 1 hour and we adjourned to Hot Spring.

3rd day - Ibu took quite a lot of dark blood from my nose and 1 spot from my stomach. I told her I got backache and she put her hand on my back and I can feel the heat from her hand - I feel much better the next day.

4th day - Same as the third day. I ask Ibu, how was my condition? She told me I had improved as compare to my 1st trip. Do I need to come again? Yes, 1 month time.

20/6/05 - I went to Sunway Hospital to have my ear fixed and I also did a MRI scan. To consult Dr Koay on 30/6/05, to determine the size of the tumor. Based on my own eyes, I think it had shrunk down ... anyway my next chapter will be out next week. Dr Koay asked me what treatment I'm taking ... and I told him I'm taking Chinese medicine and the special treatment from Ibu. Guess what the Dr say; “Chinese medicine contains a lot of steroid and Ibu treatment is call “black magic””. He even claim that he can do the same by taking blood out from my nose ... well I did not "big" him lah because everyone has their own belief and I believe he has his point there.

The next thing I'm going to do is to get my Chinese physician to give me the green light to talk to all their patients and I will assist them to do some testimonial of their success stories ... what I mean is those who consume their medicine is still kicking and running. Thanks to Mr Tiger for this suggestion.

That's all at this point.

Cheers and had a pleasant day
Michael Gan
My comment : Belief in yourself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Michael,

Good and hope you eradicated the problem soon.

As you may notice now that your life is configure in that manner. I trust that your planning for future is already well thought off. I guess it is time for you to start doing those irregular plans you have which you plan for but did not get around to do it or have not thought off doing it routinely. The reason for this - you will find it more fulfilling and happy for which you have achieved.

A happy person get cured faster. Think happiness, watch funny stuff and stay away from sad drama.

As for your brother and sisters - I believe they are stressed too and if possible a small gathering/B-B-Q/picnic at the garden/poolside downstairs would probably bring more laughters and joy together.

BTW, If you invite - I guess all of us in this ccied would probably drop-by to say ''hi''. We hear your email (I would rather see you in person to see if you were trim and handsome now) and I guess you might want to see us too. Please let us know if this is possible for you as we could all do ''pot-luck'' for one evening in the weekday (7-9pm) at your place. Otherwise, let us know what you could eat and bring your family out to us in KL, I believe we could all chip-in to buy you a good dinner at some good place.

Look forward to hear from you - my friend!
Cheers & Best Regards,
Yours sincerely,