Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Part 9

Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 22:06:08 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Michael Gan"
Subject: Chronicles of Michael Gan - Part 9
To: "Angie" , "BK" , "Celine Chin" , "Ho Wai Chun" , "Emily Wong" , "Florence" , "Dennis Gan" , "JO GAN" , "GAN H.G." , "Iris Ho" , "Leslie Chong" , "Frank Liang" , "Pastor Mark" , "Alvin Soo" , "Kevin Soo" , "Lim Kian Soon"
CC: "Henry Foo" , "Jee Lan Foo" , "Jesvinderjit" , "Kah" , "Eric Ng" , "Tiger"
Dearest all,

Since my last mail, I feel that I had improved tremendously on my health ... yip yip hooray. Well, I'll be leaving for my 2nd treatment at Indonesia tomorrow (12/6 - 1.35pm flight and will be back on 17/6 - 14.10pm reach KLIA).

I had also make arrangement to see Dr Koay (Sunway Medical) on 21/6 - to request for a MRI scan. I should be able to know the size of my tumor (shrunk or whichever).

Infact, I had this feeling that Ibu will tell me on the last day of my treatment that I don't have to come to see her again as I'm fully free of cancer.

For your info, I had never experience such a warm and powerful support from friends and ... sob ..sob "sorry lah cannot hold my tears" ... I consider myself very fortunate to get to know you all.

As I'm a believer of Buddha, I had changed my Chinese name to Gan Kuan Kim (of course I can't change my actual name). You all can still call me Michael Gan. Reason for me to change is because my past life is not so good and if I continue using the same Chinese name then I will had another 7 to 8 obstacle to go thru (this is my 3rd obstacle). By changing to this name, all the bad things will be flush away and I will be more prosper (he he can close more sales). It’s all up to individual own belief on their religion.

I shall let u all know what the outcome is after my scan result.

Till then ... cheers.. and I wish everyone healthy and prosper.
Michael Gan
PS Kian Soon, can you send me the photo that you took when you came to visit me ?
My comment : Must believe in God – be it Allah, Buddhist, Christian or etc..


Linx said...

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I think it is very motiovating! Positive mind is very important!

Penguin said...

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the sharing and congratulation for the healing.

My dad is diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer on May 2007. Do you think you can share the contact details of the Chinese physician?

My email add:

Look forward to receiving your favorable reply.

Thank you in advance.

Unknown said...


Can I get the contact details of the Chinese physician?
My sister is diagnosed with breast cancer a few years back. And now, we suspect the disease is coming back.

My email add:

Thank you.

JonX said...

Micheal, I am glad that your sharing is helping others.

One must change its diet after the cancer treatment or rather be one now when you are healthy.

Here is a excerpt from an atricle:


Evidence from a broad scientific literature suggests:

A. Rates for at least six common types of cancer, country by country, correlate with the consumption of animal source food.

B. There is a modest negative correlation with these cancers and plant source food consumption.

C. A variety of phytochemicals present in plant foods have been demonstrated to be protective against the DNA damage that leads to cancer.

D. The veg*n diet, extolled by its advocates for at least 150 years as a cancer preventive strategy, is the logical end point of the dietary recommendations, now made by scientific organizations, to reduce animal food consumption.

E. A recent clinical review (49) concluded: "Up to 80% of bowel and breast cancer may be preventable by dietary change... Diet contributes to varying extent to the risk of many other cancers, including cancers of the lung, prostate, stomach, oesophagus, and pancreas... Generally, fruit, vegetables, and fibre have a protective effect, whereas red and processed meat increase the risk of developing cancer."

There are no logical arguments for the continued use of animal source food in the human diet. However, logic is not the key factor here. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has shielded the meat and dairy industries from normal market forces since at least the beginning of the Commodities Credit Corporation (CCC) in 1933 (50), by giving direct price supports to dairy production, and de facto supports to the meat industry in the form of feed grain price supports (51, 52).. In 1998 USDA Secretary Dan Glickman bought up at least $250 million worth of beef, chicken, dairy, eggs, fish, lamb, and pork that could not be sold on an already flooded market. These goods will be dumped into public feeding troughs such as the National School Lunch Program (53).

This is contrary to advice given by the National Cancer Institute, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), and the USDA itself, to consume daily at least five servings of fruit and vegetables. Only a third of the U.S. public is aware of the "5-A-Day" recommendation (54).

Vegetable and fruit growers have for the most part been excluded from support programs..."All crops may be harvested on flex acreage except...fruits and vegetables..." (55), and apparently don't want government assistance or large ad campaigns(56) to market their products. Evidence indicates that animal industries have exerted enormous pressure on the government for continuation of their supports (57). These industries then plow their profit margins into massive ad campaigns, nutritional "education", and political action to insure that their benefits will continue.

A glance at IRS Corporate Income Tax Form 1120 and most state corporate tax forms shows also that advertising is a tax deductible business expense. There is little doubt that the animal food interests are taking full advantage of this as they suborn the media, the nutritional establishment, and the government to push their wares on a naive public.

Until the government stops using public tax moneys to bail out the animal food interests and stops giving tax breaks for their massive advertising programs that virtually freeze vegetarian information out of the public consciousness, there is not much chance that we will see a reduction in cancer rates.

William Harris, M.D.

Anonymous said...

all the best to you . my wife and me pray for your speedy recovery. god bless you. ibu will give you the good news. tq J

Anonymous said...

Yes, Michael. Keep the spirit up !

Anonymous said...

Dear Michael,

We are very very glad to hear that you are much better now…and I think the biggest contribution to your speedy recovery is YOURSELF!!….u deserve a BIG FAT PAT on your back. We, your friends can only do very little…KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK OK!! We are behind you all the way!! Cheers everybody!

Best Regards

Anonymous said...

Hi michael, been thinking about writing to u but never did, so now i make it a point... have been following up on on yr case for a long time... i m glad u are such a strong person...its good and maintain the confidence at all time... if u need help of any sort, eg.. if u need transport to go any where ...dont be shy...just buzz me...will be glad to lend a helping hand... if u feel strong enuf to attend dhamma talks (now tat i know u are a buddhist..beatiful religion...) or meditation classes, this helps, i can help out... i m actively involved in some centres but english speaking ones... do u mind if i give u this chanting CDs..and few others .its more for smooth-listening... its soothes...i gave many out...but i wonder if anyone gave u... can i pass to someone... besides that i want to give u my group's buddhist english album which we produced last wesak... this album helps to introduce buddhism ...thru songs... this is our 2nd album in fact...
will pray for yr steady and speedy recovery... always have an open mind, be strong... ! u are such a nice person so you can be sure there are always friends out there who will be there for u at any time...

May The Blessings of The Triple Gem be upon you and yr family always!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Michael,

I've been wanting to send an email but never gotten to do that. I thought since I've got the time, I had better send it now.

Again, sorry that our appointment didn't work out after all. Anyway, I'm glad to know that you're getting better in your health. I thank God that
he's preserved you life and made you well. Well, death is not something we can all avoid isn't it? Who can't even guarantee that we (all those health ones) can wake up the next morning to see the world again. Life is fragile

As I have told you, I am a Christian and thus I shall continue to pray for your recovery. The following is my prayer for you...

God, I thank You that Michael is recovering from the cancer. I do not know whether You had any part in it but nevertheless, I am glad that Michael is getting better. I thank you also that Michael has decided to change in the
coming days as he has realised about his 'not so good' past. God, You who have created all the heavens and the earth, I pray that You will enable Michael to live out his life in the coming days to the full in learning to live as a better person and do good to others as he would to himself. I
know that our lives are in our control to make it right and decisions and choices in life is ours, but who better to trust our lives to than to You who has created life in the first place? So God, even though Michael does
not know you yet, I pray that with this prayer, he will be encouraged and that you will continue to bless his health. I also pray that the cancerous cells will not resurface again in the future in the Jesus' name. God, shower him with Your love and continue to reveal Yourself to him in the
coming days as You have revealed Yourself to me. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

God bless you Michael.


Anonymous said...

you know what, while i read your msg, regarding your........well, im sorry to tell you this, i pitty of you!!! but i know god will always there for you and guide you! Im always here for you as a friend and i always pray for you...... you can count on me, il promise you that! so, always take care always! miss you a lot!

Anonymous said...


I am glad to see such confidence. It is better than sales! As work creeps in on for us this week, we hope you are able to recuperate and completely eradicate this illness while in Indonesia.

Whilst, we pray for you and hope that everything went well for you. Hope to see you back with a smiling face! - I just received an email from Japan for your leisure reading:-

Hi Frank-san,

I found good words from net site.

= Words =

If you have an attraction, every thing is going well ,this is amazing !

What is an attraction? Decisively, it is your smiling face and your thoughtful words from your mouth. If you just do these things every day, every god from around the world will support you. Every thing will go well, isnt it amazing !


To Seiichiro, Let's smile!



Smile Gan Kuan Kim!!! Your thoughful words had reached all !

Cheers & Best Regards,
Yours sincerely,

Anonymous said...


Do you guys watch movies in theater or on internet? I use to rent DVD movies from [b][/b]. Recently I discovered that we can watch all new movies on internet on day, they are released. So why should I spend money on renting movies??? So, can you guys please tell me where I can [url=]watch latest movie Iron Man 2 2010[/url] for free?? I have searched [url=][/url], [url=][/url], [url=][/url] but, Could not find a good working link. If you know any working link please share it with me.
