Friday, July 20, 2007

Part 16

Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 20:15:20 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Michael Gan"
Subject: Chronicles of Michael Gan Part 16
To: "Lim Kian Soon" , "Angie" , "BK" , "Celine Chin" , "Ho Wai Chun" , "Emily Wong" , "Dennis Gan" , "JO GAN" , "Iris Ho" , "Leslie Chong" , "Frank Liang" , "Pastor Mark"
CC: "Tiger" , "Yee Mei" , "Alicia Yeap" , "Florence" , "Henry Foo" , "Jee Lan Foo" , "GAN H.G." , "Jesvinderjit" , "Kah" , "Eric Ng" , "Alvin Soo" , "Kevin Soo"
Dearest all,

I am back to share with you all - it has not been a very good three and a half weeks for me, anyway I manage to go thru it.

On 1st September, I take a trip to Haadyai to see another chinese physician with a group of my uncle's friends. The physician name is Uncle Su (from China), he will look at my hand and touch my hand and write down the details in Chinese on his medical history book, - it took approximately 30 to 40 minutes to complete and that's when he will start explaining my situation. Uncle Su indicate that I got nose cancer and my condition is not very encouraging - this is where it really surprise me because nobody tell him what's my illnesses and he's able to say it out everything - unbelievable.
I take up the medicine which cost me 4,800 Baht (USD 126) (for approximately a month), the medicine is in pills form and it is taken after each meal (3 times a day) with honey, ginger, "gula merah" (brown sugar) and 2 pieces of banana/day.

I had lost another 3 or 4 kg on my weight as my food consumption is a bit deterioting (but I told myself that I must eat so that I got the strength to recover).

For your info, I still took the chinese medicine from Tan & Jilian (when I was in Haadyai). I was back to my house on 3rd September. This is where I need to make a decision whether to continue both medicine or drop one of them. Well, I took both for a week (from 4th till 9th September) and base on my instinct I drop Tan & Jilian medicine, and this is where my Plan B starts. Tell you all, it is not an easy task and I had emotional breakdown during this periods because I tend to get angry easily about small little thing, don't feel like chatting or listening, confining myself in the room and had sleepless nights (waking up 2 or 3 times and was looking down on my balcony - 9th floor).

Currently, I had manage to control my emotions and that's why I did not reply some of your emails earlier as my mind is blank but I'm back and I am confidence to say that I will be completely cure. I will be going to Haadyai to see Uncle Su on 29/9 - anyone wants to accompany me there?

As for my Socso claim, I went for my 2nd interview (arrange by Socso) at Selayang Hospital on 13/9, this time a Doctor attend to me and have a look on my symptoms. When Doctor ask me what medication I'm on, I told her that I'm on chinese medicine - she said that it contain steroid and why I did not go for radiotheraphy and chemotheraphy? I told her that I had make my choice, so I ask them a question, does it mean that if I don't go for radiotheraphy or chemotheraphy then I'm not eligible for the Socso claim? Answer is yes cos it is base on their guideline - how dissapointing? In that case, why should I pay Socso for??? Nobody can answer me and they say they're following the book and ask me to wait for my result before end of the month.

That's all for now.

Michael Gan
My comment: Must control your emotion.


Anonymous said...

Michael, care to share what 'instinct' was that that made you dropped the local chinese med?

Michael Gan Ing Leong said...

Dear anomynous,

My "instinct" is basically my own feeling, please email me at should you need any further information.

Michael Gan

Anonymous said...


great to hear from you again. Totally understand what you are going through. I think you are one of the strongest person who is firm and never let a single chance slip away for curing yourself. Want you to know that where ever you are or whatever you are going through, i am with you.

take care!


Anonymous said...

Hi Michael,

I have been low profile of keeping in touch with you when you started ill. I don't really know the real reason, may be i don't agree with the "healling systems" that you had chosen. But being your friend, i really don't feel comfortable for not communicate with you of my opinion or feedback, hope you don't mad on me.

Both Kuan & I do care about you. Allow me to suggest you to go for the proper diet wherby has been proven by so many people,
this is to strengthen your anti-body eg. organic fruits & vegetables. Pls stop consume meat, i know it is so easy to tell than to act. But please take good care of yourself.

Being a Christian, I always believe our God, Jesus Christ will be with us all the time no matter good or bad. Sometimes things may not happen as our wish or prayers but most important is we feel the internal peace, because He is our salvation for eternal life. And believe me He is blessing
us in His way that we may not understand on the spot but soon you will realise.

Hope you don't mind with my sharing. And you are most welcome praying to Him when you needed Him, all you have to say is
"in Jesus Name , I pray" to end your converstion with Him. God love you because you are His children.

We will always remember you, contact us shall you need someone to talk , ya !

Take care !


Anonymous said...

Mike, no matter what happen just be strong and pray to the god ok. Take care love you and take a good rest. Rgds AT