Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Part 12

Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2005 23:27:27 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Michael Gan"
Subject: Chronicles of Michael Gan - Part 12
To: "Angie" , "BK" , "Celine Chin" , "Ho Wai Chun" , "Emily Wong" , "Florence" , "Dennis Gan" , "JO GAN" , "Iris Ho" , "Leslie Chong" , "Frank Liang" , "Pastor Mark" , "Lim Kian Soon"
CC: "Henry Foo" , "Jee Lan Foo" , "Kah" , "Eric Ng" , "Tiger"
Dearest all,

I'm feeling much stronger ... bet you all eager to know why??? Reason is I was motivated by this Dr Koay (Sunway Hospital) whom indicate that Chinese medicine does not had testimonial and proof that it help to prolong and heal a cancer patients - unlike western method. I ask my Chinese physician to arrange for a few patients who will accept my interview and willing to share and let everyone know about their experience.

So far, I had done one patient - she is from Selayang Baru (name to be disclosed later when my testimonial for her is proof read by her).
Diagnose in year 2000 with celvic cancer final stage.
Undergo 25 times radiotherapy - 5 times/week continuously for 5 weeks.
After 3 to 4 months after the above treatment, she started to had back pain and neck pain. Oh my god, she was diagnosed that the cancer cell had spread to the backbone and neck. Again radiotherapy on the neck - 5 times and the backbone - 6 times but the pain did not go away and it got worsen. Dr gave her a morphine injection to withstand the pain (of course with her consent) and told her bluntly to go home and wait for her time (all this agony for 2 years and her weight was 45kg and unable to walk with support).

Well, luck is on her side and when she boarded the taxi in GH to home, she was recommended to see my current Chinese physician. I can understand that at this point she will go for anything. Year 2003, she start taking the Chinese medicine and when she relate her experience I can notice her tears from her eyes which relate the pain that she went thru. During the 1st 3 months, she experience pain and always feels like to vomit but cannot vomit out. Her detoxification was thru her passing motion. There's a point where she almost gave up but thru support and determination from family and relatives, she kept going for exactly 2 years. During these 2 years, she does a regular checkup once every 3 months and in year 2004, Dr was surprise and declares her free of cancer cell.

From here onwards her Chinese medicine portion was reduce to approximately RM200/month (only take once a week) and she performed medical checkup twice a year - weight at 52kg and is able to walk on her own without any "tongkat".

That's all for her chronicle, I would appreciate that you all can give me some idea on preparing a testimonial for this lady and of course for me as well. Is there any point that I miss out.

My objective is to share with everyone that in our life there is always a cure and this are the testimonial of real life experience.

As for Indonesia, I still intend to go and currently was looking for another 3 person to go together. Best date to go is 17/7/05.

Till then, may god bless all of you.

Michael Gan
My comment : It all depend on my own destiny and my choice of treatment but most important is my fighting spirit.


Anonymous said...

Its very inspiring to read your blog. It shows that we should never give up on hope. Stay positive and believe that one day you will overcome this period of difficulties. I will pray for your good health.

Anonymous said...

good to hear off yr improving situation. god bless J