Monday, July 2, 2007

Part 8

Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2005 08:34:13 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Michael Gan"
Subject: Chronicles of Michael Gan Part 8
To: "Angie" , "BK" , "Celine Chin" , "Ho Wai Chun" , "Emily Wong" , "Florence" , "Dennis Gan" , "JO GAN" , "GAN H.G." , "Iris Ho" , "Leslie Chong" , "Frank Liang" , "Pastor Mark" , "Alvin Soo" , "Kevin Soo" , "Lim Kian Soon"
CC: "Henry Foo" , "Jee Lan Foo" , "Kah" , "Eric Ng"
Dearest buddies,

Today I want to tell you all that I miss you all and I love you all ... may god bless all of you. My 2nd trip to Indonesia will be on 12/6 till 17/6. It has been a very tough period for me for the past few weeks and I am very proud to say that I had the support of friends and close one whom had been calling me and visiting me - I received at least one call everyday - a BIG THANK YOU. My loving sister Winnie Gan and family came to visit me from Johor Bahru.

I had been throwing out phlegm with blood and sneezing blood phlegm from my nose at least once a week. Well, my Chinese physician told me it's a good sign and I give all my confidence to them. To be frank, I'm actually very scared until my leg shaking, my heartbeat beating very fast and I quickly do my chanting of "Great Compassion Mantra" every morning to calm myself down.

Why I mention the above, is because I'm actually very scare that I will lose you all, each night when I go to sleep, I tell myself that I look forward to tomorrow because certain time I had this feeling that I will not wake up the next morning ... but the wonderful thing is that I had make a choice that is to be brave and to face it because I look forward to see you all again

You all might be worry and some of you might be thinking what's Michael’s trying to tell us. Don't misinterpret wrongly because I'm merely sharing with you all on how I currently feel ... whew ... I feel much stronger already.

Michael Gan
My comment : Fighting spirit is a MUST.


sungimann said...

Hi Michael,

This is Tony. Jo's colleague.

I am very happy to read about your progress and do keep it up. Always remember that no what happens, there is always God. May He bless you always.

Take care of yourself. All the best.

Best wishes,
Tony Sung

Unknown said...

i just heard the news on todays 988 station, reli glad you are cancer free person now.... (^_^) ceers~....

tk care stay healthy,
bypasser Jin

Fei38 said...

I heard your blog from 988 just now too. Thanks for sharing all your experiences with us.

MY Life Zone said...

ya.. same as me.. heard from 988 stations, recommended by cheng foong.. i got a fren have breast cancer, thinking to intro her yr blog as well..

btw, glad u r recover.. God Bless You.. and take care ya...

Unknown said...

Hi Michael,

Glad to know that you are now cancer free. I heard your news on the 988 station and read your story on your website.
Bravo on your spiritual strength and determination to carry on with life.
May GOD always be with you in everything you do. Peace.

格蕾丝 said...

I also heard from 988 station. Thanks for your sharing. Take care..

Lovely said...

Hi Michael,

This morning heard from Chan Foong said about your blog. Thanks sharing with us all you have gone thru.

Take care n God bless you.

artreyu said...

Hi Michael,

Like alot of the commenters here...i heard about ur blog in 988. All the best in your future and your strength inspires me.

Soldier on!!

just a man on the street.

Anonymous said...

Hi Michael,

I got your blog from Jo. Glad to hear that you are recuperating well n fast. Keep it up. Can this Ibu Atun cure all kinds of cancer? Whats the cost like? Take care...

Best regards,
Kikki How

Theresa said...

Bravo Michaeal!

Just want to say that I am glad you are now cancer free. You are right, a person MUST have GOD in their hearts. This is the anchor of life, which if without, lives will be lost.

Shoulder on. As your willpower, strength, determination and positive outlook on life are keys for you to continue on.

(I want to thank Chen Foong 988, as I too heard it this morning)

May GOD always smile upon you.

macyleow said...

Hello Michael

Your story is a great inspiration to those cancer sufferer.I heard about you thru 988 and i am glad that you shared your story cos it really give hope to those patients diagnosed with cancer with very short time to live.

I wonder whether you can introduce the chinese medicine doctor and the indonesian doctor to me cos i love to spread and share these wonderful testimonies to those people whom i do come across so that they too may benefit from some cure if they are diagnose with cancer.
i love to help people as much as i can even if they are strangers to me.

My e-mail is : You can e-mail me the doctors contact if you can.

since helping someone is free thru word of mouth. We should help as much as we can.

Do you agree?

Anyway, one last advise. Do take care of yourself and try to go vegetarian for a few years to cleanse your body and let your cells rejuvenate to its original condition. This will help you live longer.

I have a story to share too. I have a university friend who is diagnose with cancer third stage and he finally got cured from a hospital in Beijing for 1 year. After that, he abstained from sex with his wife for 7 years and now he is still alive and healthy and also produced 2 more children. He still takes nutrition chinese soup to keep up his health.

Take care and god bless you forever.

Miss Macy leow

Unknown said...

got to know this blog from 988 too, will spread ur blog around.. ur story will definitely give hope others

stay well and cheers!

Anonymous said...


I fully understand your feeling as a past patience myself.
I think your wisdom level is pretty high as you can realize your own
thought, feeling and action.
After reading your mail, the only advice I give is: Never give up
( I will also pray for you and I think likewise to everyone.)


Anonymous said...

Dearest all,

How have everyone been? Me and Audrey paid Michael a visit last Sunday and handed over our contribution to him.

To us, he looked very much better than the last time we saw him. He doesn’t look as if he is ill, yes or not Michael, you look better, lost some weight….hehehe!

We always stand by you, Michael, remember this and we will support you all the way to your recovery.

Thanks again everybody!

With Love…LP 11

Anonymous said...

Excellent Michael.. Vivien and I pray for you... you are such a strong man you know!!

Anonymous said...

Hi michael

Hope you feel better by today. We have to be strong and give hopes for tommorow, live without
the shadow of fear and be happy.

Just let you know today is World Cancer Survivors Day, think of Free from cancer and free from

Hear from you again and God bless,

Anonymous said...

Hi Michael,

That is a good feeling to have and whilst, we all miss friends and love ones everyday but we just did not know until when we are alone and the brain start working like F1. This is the moment when we all
realized that we have not been spending our time according to our wanted schedule. We have been busy and it is part of life.

Michael, you have the time and you should not worry to spend this time as and when you wanted. Do call all of us and hear our voice if you wanted as we have been busy and we have been keep busy at times
and we forget to call you. It was nice to have known you and sorry to say that once you make friendship, it is very difficult to forget that friendship - not like computer where you could delete stored files! (on the contrary, a non-commercial software in Bukit Aman could retrieve all deleted files in your computer....ha..ha...ha.....even computer coming to work like human being).

I saw in discovery channel last weekend and the show was about dangerous stunts done by all these professionals - when the questions asked ''Do you have any fear in doing the stunt - they replied ''everytime''
but they control fear by focusing on the stunts that they about to do.
Michael, I must congratulate you that you have been tough and committed to your healing program. Therefore, have faith and don't worry. It is normal for you to think astray once in awhile. However, focus and you know that your fear is definitely controllable and hopefully, you successfully healed.

We chat again soon. Take care and be cheerful and watch happy ending movies! Think positive and act positive - cheering your systems could probably help you get better soon.

Cheers & Best Regards,
Yours sincerely,

Anonymous said...

hi michael,

hope you are doing well ^^ . have a safe journey ya? stay healthy and stay happy, no matter where you are.

just a really short note to you as really get jammed in my job. will write you a longer mail in my next reply.

take good care!
