Friday, July 13, 2007

Interview my family members

I did an interview with all my close siblings:-

Interview Winnie Gan (my sister – 2nd in the family) reside in Johor Baru, Malaysia
- When I let her know about my nose cancer news, she starts to worry.
- Scare whether I will be the one or not.
- She had to be strong and be the motivator. She did by calling me 3 or 4 times/week.
- Pray to God of Mercy to heal my brother.
- Ask friends opinion.
- Have her husband support because her husband father passed away due to colon cancer.
- Must have family member support.
- When I saw my brother crying, I make myself strong whereby I cry in my heart.
- Scare of receiving call from my brother.
- Sure or not, Michael is cancer free! Still concern and advise that I continue my diet. Do not go out to often.

Interview Jo Gan (my sister – 3rd in the family) reside in Mentekab, Pahang, Malaysia
- When I let her know about my nose cancer news, she starts to worry.
- Crying and praying for me to Gohonzon (SGM).
- Have her husband support .
- Must have family member support.
- She had to be strong and be the motivator. She did by calling me 3 or 4 times/week.
- Sourcing for information from friends.
- A bit concern about my brother decision.
- I respect my brother decision to go for Chinese medicine. In my heart I would prefer that my brother go for chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
- Feel scare and don’t know how to console me
- During Chinese New Year 2007, I saw my brother in pain and was having this feeling that whether Michael can make it or not. Because my brother was trembling with pain.
- When I saw my brother crying, I make myself strong whereby I cry in my heart.
- Scare of receiving call from my brother.

Interview Dennis Gan (my brother – youngest in the family) stay together with me.
- When I let him know about my nose cancer news, he starts to worry, don’t know what to do.
- Worry because I am too emotional and very fast will get angry. Don’t know what to say or communicate because Michael asks me to treat him normal but Michael is very emotional and sensitive.
- Whatever Michael asks me to do, I will do it.
- Feel tired but will still do my best to perform it.
- Very scare to share point of view
- A lot of friends advise me to tell my brother to go for chemotherapy and radiotherapy but I assume my brother had fix his mind and had phobia base on my brother conversation with sisters and aunties.
- Was very happy that my brother went for chemotherapy and radiotherapy by getting “Abang” to convince me even though I do not had faith in “Abang”.
- Very scare when Michael had nose bleed non-stop because Michael was at the emergency for more than 1 hour plus. Only feel relief when the nurses are there to care for me.
- Do not believe about “Abang”
- Feel relieve when I know Michael is cancer free.
- Afraid my son being too close to Michael because I’m still undergoing treatment.
- Michael neck has wound and don’t dare to look at it as it look terrible.

Interview Penny Cheong (Dennis wife) stay together with me.
- Stun when Michael result confirm got cancer.
- Share with her colleagues. Her colleague share that a friend was also nose cancer and had been in remission for 7 years but it recurred again and he pass away this year.
- Don’t know how to console Michael; scare said the wrong thing or word that is sensitive.
- Very scare when Michael had nose bleed non-stop because Michael was at the emergency ward for more than 1 hour plus. Only feel relief when the nurses are there to care for me.
- Michael neck has wound and don’t dare to look at it as it look terrible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Hmm.....thanks for receiving feedback and truly acting on things. I have not much, except to share some personal experiences in my daily life and little reminders to edify and encourage you.

I was reminded of something today as I spent time with my Korean friend as we continue to study this book entitled "Battlefield of your mind" by Joyce Meyer. We did 2 chapters today and one was about NEVER QUITTING and the other, LITTLE BY LITTLE. Joyce Meyer used an illustration of telling us how some animals in the mountain ranges have to climbs hills and mountains. Specifically, how "they used their hinds ie their legs". They DID NOT STAND STILL to reach to the top of the hill,but they used their hinds. The moral of the story is........"TO MOVE FORWARD or to "climb hills which LIFE presents to you" i.e going uphill, move yourself forward, be it in thoughts,in choice of words you say to yourself or others, or in actions.......In all the things that you do in your daily life.

May God bless you and use you mightily.

"yr occasional driver"