Monday, January 11, 2010

2010 1st followup checkup

Dearest buddies,


9.30am I took a taxi and went for my followup checkup at Sime Darby Medical Center, reach at 9.40am, my oncology doctor see me at 10.20am (appointment is at 10.30am), Dr. Matin Mellor told me everything is under control. As for the gum bleeding, Dr advises that I go and check it out with a Dentist. Basically I was there for about an 1 hour and the charges is RM77 - which I will claim from my medical card.

10.35am I adjourn to Sunway Medical Center and reach there at 10.45am (appointment is at 1.30pm) .... lucky for me Dr Koay clinic open early today - will start seeing patients from 11am onward. I was the 1st in, my ENT Dr Koay perform all the normal procedure and results is everything under control. In this case, I am there less than 30 minutes and the charges is RM91 - which I will claim from my medical card.

Next followup checkup for both is on 10th May 2010 (4 months from now).

Michael Gan


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