Friday, December 12, 2008

Last followup checkup for 2008

Dearest buddies,

I had my last checkup for the year ie. at ISEC (eye specialist). Result is the same as the last visit except that now I got long and short sighted (getting old ..... oops but still look young hee hee). Next appointment will be 8th October 2009.

As per my previous blog, I will only decide on my next action plan after my 1st checkup next year ie. 19th January 2009 (will decide whether to look for job after Chinese New Year).

I wish to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Michael Gan

1 comment:

Derrick Koay said...

Hi Michael,

Mind share with me, how do you find the doctors in ISEC? Are they really good? And is it costly to pay them a visit?

Thank You.
