Monday, March 24, 2008

Cancer survival

Dearest buddies,

Wow, I am beginning to get use to my "prism" glass and I also drove my friend Toyota Hilux (looking for parking at Mid Valley). Not easy but it is a matter of time that I get use to it.

My plan to be back to corporate world is push to June 2008 (after I did my PET-SCAN) and I will be asking the doctors when will I be discharge and consider cancer free.

Michael Gan

Monday, March 10, 2008

Cancer survival

Dearest buddies,

Whew election fever is over and wow looks like people are looking for a change. I wish those selected will serve and fulfill their promises and lead us to a better future.

So far I am in tip top condition, I do not experience thigh pain on my left leg anymore since 1st March 2008 (thank GOD), my mouth still experience dryness - so need to drink a lot of water and double vision on my eye - not much improvement. For your information, I am currently taking Prune Extract, Miki Protein, 4Life Vitamin C and Mangosteen as my daily supplements - all sponsored. Thank you for the sponsored as I believed this is the final round of sponsored. Oops .... don't get the wrong message, I am not asking for sponsorship.

As for me, in my last email, I told you all about the "prism" glass, well, I got it last Friday 7th March 2008 at approximately 3.15pm ....... WOW WOW WOW HURRAY !!! at last I am seeing NORMAL vision with both my eyes (eventhough it is not 100% as I still experienced double vision if I see to the left or right without moving my head). Not bad, now is to get use to the "prism" glass before I decide the next course of my action. I will built up my stamina and well being 1st before I join back the corporate world - because I still feel tired after lunch (around 2+ pm) and I will normally take a nap.

Will update you all accordingly and well, you could see me driving and popping up in your office and surprise.

Michael Gan