Monday, October 22, 2007

Part 48

Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2007 20:47:46 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Michael Gan"
Subject: Chronicles of Michael Gan Part 48
To: "Alicia Yeap", "Angie Chua", "BK", "Dennis Gan", "Emily Wong", "Frank Liang", "Ho Wai Chun", "Iris Ho", "Jimmy Lim", "JO GAN", "Kevin Soo", "Leslie Chong", "Lim Kian Soon", "Sherynn Ong", "Yee Mei"
CC: "Alvin Soo", "Dorothy", "Eric Ng", "Florence", "Jesvinderjit", "Joey Phua Guat Choo", "Julie Gan", "Kah", “Lau Mun", "Pastor Mark", "Tiger", "Yeap Chong Boon", "Annie Chai/Ikea_kl", "WJ Chan", "Syven Chee Shok Ching", "Emily Wong", "Wong Fe Lian", "Suzanne Tan Saw Hiean", inania, "Tan Yap Khim", "jim_kow", "Jeffery Lim", "Lye Pei Ling", "Agnes Rajamanny A/P Mariampill" <, "Ngo Kwai Meng", mtanch, "Nancy Peng", "Angie Ng", "Josephine Ong", "Owen Ang Heng Oon", pek-mei.yoon, phingwc, "Joyce Tham", wlchan Dearest buddies, My appointment for PET scan is set on 4th May 07 9.30am and should be seeing Dr Mellor on 5th May07. Lately I had started taking rice (most of the times, still on porridge) because still lack of saliva. A bit of correction from my earlier mail - my taste is not 100% back to normal - certain taste I cannot taste the different. One taste for sure I did not lose it is spicy, which I still cannot take at the moment cos it feels like volcano errupt in my mouth.

I had joined Hospis Malaysia day care program where we went for a movie on 4th April - Mr Bean - there was around 20+ of us and about 15+ volunteers. My 2nd visit was on 10th April where Ms Irene (volunteer) comes and picks me and 2 others up at 9am and reach Hospis at about 10am and we had our breakfast. Ms Irene prepare "california roll" especially for me as a welcome meal, I feel so touch. Then we had some exercise, self introduction and on that day Hospis was launching their 6th Charity Treasure Hunt 21/22 April07. Their respective sponsors were there (ie. Spansion, MixFM, GulfAir, Hotel Equatorial Melaka - not sure if I missed out any or got the wrong sponsor name). After that was lunch time (1pm), take a short nap then the volunteer will do some foot massage and shoulder massage. At 3.30pm we had our tea break - we had barley, choc cake and kuih, follow with a game of bingo where prizes were given away - so much fun.

I'll be joining them for the hunt (had not done this before in my entire life, so why not). This week day care is on Thursday (which I will join in also), cos I got to mingle with other "CHOSEN ONE".

That is all for the time being.

(This portion was added on 22nd October 2007)
I went to visit Abang 1 week before my PET SCAN and was told that my cancer cell is all clear. Of course, when I heard it myself, I told myself in my heart, sure or not because I remember that Dr Matin Mellor told me after my sixth cycle of chemotherapy that my tumour is very big and I also told Dr Matin Mellor that he must cure me as it is the challenge for him and another reason I did not do my treatment in 2005 is because I want to give him a bigger challenge. That time Dr Matin Mellor told me the chances of recovering is only around 20% and almost 0% that my double vision will be back to normal.

Michael Gan
My comment: After joining Hospis Day Care, I feel much happier and livelier and was also touch with the care and support provided by Hospis staff and volunteers. A big thank you.


Anonymous said...

it is good to hear that u r OUT there again. Yes! why not go out and catch some new friends........ Hope u have a wonderful time then. Take care

Anonymous said...

hi gan.

m glad to hear you feeling better and having so much fun. very good! keep up the spirit and may GOD bless you & be with you all the time. You take care and keep in touch.


Anonymous said...


So good to hear that & hope u enjoy all the programme arrange by the hospice. Tell me when yr taste 100% come back & will cook a great meal for u.

Regards, & take care,
buddy Elessee