Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Part 28

Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 01:47:58 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Michael Gan"
Subject: Chronicles of Michael Gan Part 28
To: "Yee Mei" , "Leslie Chong" , "Frank Liang" , "Lim Kian Soon" , "Alicia Yeap" , "Angie" , "BK" , "Celine Chin" , "chin_kongyew" , "Ho Wai Chun" , "Emily Wong", "Dennis Gan" ,"JO GAN", "Julie Gan" , "Iris Ho"
CC: "Kah" , "Ong Kian Tiong" , "Pastor Mark" , "Lau Mun" , "Eric Ng" , "Joey Phua Guat Choo" , "Alvin Soo" , "Kevin Soo" , "Florence" , "Henry Foo" , "Jee Lan Foo" , "Guruprasad" , "jesreen" , "angiepcng" , "Annie Chai/Ikea_kl" , "inania" , "jim_kow" , "Jeffery Lim" , "pek-mei.yoon" , "Chee SumYeong" , "wlchan"

Dearest all,

I went to Haadyai last week because I had a very painful headache (since last Friday 14/4) and also to check my condition. Below is the outcome:-

1) How's my condition now? Very good as my immune system are back in control.

2) Headache very pain since 14/4 - difficult to sleep? Uncle Su said that it's a good sign as it's detoxifying and ask me to boil green bean, add some salt and later add "pig blood" plus "yiu chai" - this will help reduce the pain. Well, it helps to reduce the pain and I can sleep.

Well, for your information, during this period, the pain is so unbearable that my little "Devil" pops out and luckily my little "Angel" also pops out.
"Devil" was saying "you should go for chemotheraphy and radiotheraphy?" then "Angel" say "no you must had faith and confident and belief that I will be cancer free"
“Devil” was saying “you should jump from my balcony (I stay in 9th floor) and all the pain will go away or all the trouble will be gone” then “Angel” say “no, that’s a stupid thing to do and asked me to imagine how I will look like when I am lying down there, ask me to take a deep breath and listen to the prayer and start to pray.”
At last "Angel" won the debate and it strengthens my will-power.

This trip I went with my friend whom had nose cancer stage 3, he underwent chemotheraphy and radiotheraphy (already 3 months), and based on his report his lump had shrunk to 5 mm. His doctor indicates that if there's a recurrence then it will be very bad and ask him to change his lifestyle. He also let Uncle Su to diagnose him and basically, Uncle Su says that it's not fully clear and advises him to take his medicine. My friend did not go for the medicine but instead indicate that he want to see how he progress in the next few months. I wish him all the best for him.

As for me, I will continue my journey and shall keep you all updated.

Michael Gan
PS next trip should be 25/5.
My comment: Be alert, conscious and always perform my prayer.


Anonymous said...

Dear Michael,

Keep your spirit up and you will overcome this huddle.

Take good care and have faith.

Marcus (LP11)

Anonymous said...

i pray for yr health. my dear friend. the court has not handed its decision yet. will follow up. too many cases i suppose.take care