Sunday, September 20, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 2009

Wishing all Malaysian Selamat Hari Raya
Michael Gan

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cancer survival

I had my oncology and ENT checkup on 14th September 2009 and both my results is stable and normal (recuperating well), next appointment is on 11th January 2010.

I ask the following questions:-
1) Gum bleeding - is it a side effect. Both Drs say no and could be due to something else.
2) Experiencing stiffness on my neck, cramped on both legs - yes this is part of the side effect.
3) Power of both eye sights had increased by 200 each (formerly 700+) - yes this is also part of the side effect.

Good to know that everything is normal.

On 16th September 2009 3pm, I had my followup checkup for my hypertension and my blood pressure had gone down by around 5% ie. 136-98, Dr ask me to continue the medication. Prior to that I also done a blood test and the result is not so good - sugar level very high and fats level also very high. Therefore to reconfirm the result, request that I did another round of test before further action can be done. If this is confirm then I might be down with diabetes or even hepatitis. Next appointment is 14th October 2009 3pm.

So for the time being , my focus is more on my health rather than educating on insurance. For those that I had closed and contacted, I will still be following up with you all.

Michael Gan